April 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council, Annual Parish Meeting, held on Tuesday 30th April 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present – Councillors; Martyn Jackson – Chair, Chris Patty, Dawn Warnock, Jane Wallis, Alan Parker & Michael Chennells.
1 member of the public Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
1. Welcome & Apologies
The Chair welcomed everybody to the meeting.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Nigel Bottom, Katy Thomas & Colin Campbell & District Councillor Sally Appleby.
2. Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 24th April 2018 to be approved as minutes.
The notes were approved as minutes – Proposed by Cllr Wallis seconded by Cllr Chennells - All Agreed, signed by the Chair
3. Chairman’s Report
The Chair made comment, saying that 2018 saw a change of Chairman and he Thanked Cllr Chennells for doing the role for the last seven years to a very high standard.
He was delighted with the progress that has been made at the playing field and the play equipment is far superior to the last few years and we thank members of that committee for the long hours and the commitment shown – however it is a shame that the committee no longer exists.
We are delighted to get WiFi installed in the village hall.
The parish council have introduced & reviewed a number of policies over the year to ensure we are compliant. The Neighbourhood plan remains on course with special thanks to Cllr Thomas & Cllr Campbell for the work they have put into the plan.
The Chair thanked the Councillors & the Clerk for their work over the last year, but with regret we lose 2 of the Councillors for the forth coming year and thanks were passed on for their service to the Parish Council.
We continue to work hard to ensure 2019 is as successful as 2018 A Full copy of the report is attached to the minutes.
4. Clerks Financial Report
Income for the Parish Council & the Playing Field Committee – year end 31.03.2019 was £37,230.02
The Parish Council was awarded grant funding from the Derbyshire Trust of £12,624 towards purchasing new swings at the park & £4055 from Groundworks for the Neighbourhood Plan.
Expenditure for Parish Council for the year end 31.03.2019 was £38,355.15. and expenditure for the Playing field being £2,045.49.
At the year end the Parish Council was at 98% of budget overall.
The bank account for the parish council shows a balance of £18,495.71 for the start of 2019.
The bank account for the playing field committee shows a balance of £272.33 for the start of 2019.
Meeting Closed at 7.40pm