March 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Meeting

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Notice is hereby given that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held at Eagle Village Hall on Wednesday 8th March 2023 at 7.45pm.

Each year the Parish Council facilitates an Annual Parish Meeting; this is a public meeting not a parish council meeting and is an opportunity for residents of Eagle & Swinethorpe and members of the public to come together and discuss any issues they feel are important to the parish. All residents are welcome to attend.

Refreshments will be available. 


1.   Welcome from the Chairman of the Parish Council.

2.   Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 12th May 2022 to be approved as minutes.

3.   To receive the Annual Chairmans report. 

4.   Annual reports from District & County Councillors.

5.   Open Forum – Residents may raise any issue relating to the parish, Councillors from Eagle & Swinethorpe  Parish Council will be present and available to comment.

C Campbell

Cllr Colin Campbell
Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council.