April 2024 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Annual Parish Meeting, held on Thursday 18th April 2024 at 7.00pm
Present Cllr David Parkes – Chair.
Rachel Popplewell - Clerk
Agenda Items
1. Welcome
Cllr Parkes welcomed everyone to the Annual Parish Meeting.
2. Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Wednesday 8th March 2023 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed signed by the Chair.
3. To receive the Chairman’s Annual Report.
Read out by the Chair.
Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Chair’s Report 2024
This is not a Parish Council meeting; therefore, Parish Council business will not be discussed, and no decisions will be made. I am Councillor David Parkes, the Chair of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council.
The year started with the local elections, and, because of resignations, the Parish Council took on a very different look. Only 4 Councillors remained, but thankfully we managed to co-opt Pat Parkes, Jane Wallis, and Neil Faulkner onto the Parish Council – thank you! Thanks, must also go to the outgoing Councillors Colin Campbell, Liv Rae, and David Parkin.
There were several challenges over what passed for a Summer. The cutting of the Playing Field grass drew many comments, not least of which were regarding the damage to the commemorative tree guard! The Commemorative Tree seemed to thrive initially, then took what can only be described as a turn for the worse.
Having decided to use anti vandal paint on the CCTV camera pole, this was seen as a challenge and the camera was vandalised – the likely culprit was captured on camera however there was insufficient proof to proceed - the net result being that the security camera had to be replaced at public expense! After several software glitches and a change of model, the security camera was eventually replaced in December.
Unfortunately, for several reasons, the planned litter-pick in August did not take place!
November and December saw significant rainfall which resulted in localised flooding.
The Commemorative Tree was replaced in February of this year and, as of this morning, it appears to be flourishing – thanks go to Councillor Michael Chennells.
A team was set up to look at the kitchen block on the Playing Field and to look at finding a way forward, whether it be in unison with the Scouts or a go-it-alone project! Many thanks to them.
One notable success was the adoption a new Parish Council logo and I am pleased to report that several parishioners have made favourable comments about it.
As a council, we have continued to review key policies and have also agreed on a maintenance schedule for some of the streetlights.
The website and Facebook page continue to grow and contain a lot of information that we hope will be useful to residents, not least of which is in providing additional ways to contact the Parish Council.
I would like to thank District Councillors Chris Goldson and Richard Johnson and County Councillor Alan Briggs for their support at the monthly meetings. Also, it would be remiss of me if, on behalf of my fellow Councillors, I didn’t thank our Parish Clerk. Rachel, thank you so much for your assistance and guidance throughout this last year. As an aside, I would also to take this opportunity to wish Councillor Alan Briggs every success as he takes on the mantle of Mayor of Lincoln.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to attend tonight's Eagle and Swinethorpe Annual Parish Meeting and I would like to thank everyone for the support shown to me throughout the last year.
4. Annual reports from District & County Councillors.
District Councillor Report Annual PC Meeting
NKDC has made some significant achievements during the year.
Climate Change initiative the target for both the Council and the District is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030. Support to residents to achieve a 90% level for right materials in right bins. Successful continuation of 'Purple bins' programme.
Reviewing Climate Emergency Action Plan annually. 195 solar panels installed on Council Offices with a reduction in Council electric bill by 21% and saving of 14 tonnes of CO2 a year. Numerous programmes to support householders & businesses to connect to grants & opportunities to boost energy and cut carbon. 4 new electric vehicles onto the road for our waste fleet.
Communities—Flooding – working with Resilience Forum and partners to promote individual & parish level sign up to flood alerts. Some difficulty in focussing responsible bodies to act collectively to solve problems ongoing. Supported the creation 'warm hub' networks.
Homes- Won the coveted national recognition -the LGC Award for Housing for the Councils approach in building better homes. Brought back into use 20 long term empty homes. £22m spend on upgrading council owned properties—ground source heat pumps installed in many. With 200 of the 600 retrofitted, across 40 NK villages. Over the last 14 years to April 2024 563 new or regenerated homes in Sleaford & Hykeham and many villages. Including the efficient Passivhaus technologies.
Council - now managing the new designated boundary changes with expanded Ward covering Skellingthorpe, Eagle & Swinethorpe, North Scarle & Doddington & Whisby. The Council has 43 Councillors and continues to have a Conservative majority currently at 25 Conservatives, 11 Lincs Independents, 5 non-political Independents of which Chris & I are 2 and 2 Labour.
Completed creation and approval of the new Central Lincs Local Plan Lincolnshire (CLLP) on which our Planning decisions are based. This provides for a greener future for the area through to 2040.
The Council continues with a prudent management process, and we are proud that the future looks stable and secure., (unlike a number of Council who find themselves in severe difficulty (Birmingham/Nottingham etc.)
5. Open Forum.
No questions or comments were received.
Meeting Closed 7.20pm.