February 2025 Minutes (EOM)

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Extra – ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 5th February 2025 at 7pm at the Estate Office, Eagle Hall. 
Present Cllr David Parkes – Chair, Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton, Cllr Pat Parkes, Cllr Jane Wallis, Cllr Bernadette Grayston – Vice Chair, Cllr Warren Knight & Cllr Neil Faulkner.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
11 members of public
District Councillor Chris Goldson & County Councillor Alan Briggs. 
Comments objecting to the planning application Ref – 24/1287/FUL were received from residents, with various opinions noted by the Council. 
Cllrs’ Goldson & Briggs made comment that the application response by the Parish Council needed to be specific and related to policies in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
Cllr Briggs made comment that he was speaking to businesses about support to reinstate the Post Office at the shop. 
Agenda Items.
1. Welcome & Apologies.
       The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
        Apologies were received from Cllr Chennells. It was Resolved to accept the reason for
        absence & the apology, all agreed. 
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations. 
3. To consider the following planning application – 
Change of use of land to traveller site and application for the siting of no1 static caravan 2no. touring caravans and the retention of a day room (retrospective)
Land adjacent to Durham Castle, Eagle Barnsdale. Lincoln. Ref – 24/1287/FUL
After discussions it was Resolved to Object to the application, on a majority vote - with the following comments – 
6 votes to object
1 vote abstain
We would ask you to consider the objection based on non-compliance of this application in line with the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the Government Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, specifically,
Policy S1 - Countryside - The location is defined as countryside and as such development is restricted to:
• that which is demonstrably essential to the effective operation of agriculture,
• horticulture, forestry, outdoor recreation, transport or utility services.
• delivery of infrastructure.
• renewable energy generation; and
• minerals or waste development in accordance with separate Minerals and Waste Local Development Documents.
Policy S5 - Part C Mobile homes in the countryside - Applications for temporary and mobile homes will be considered in the same way as applications for permanent dwellings.
Policy S5 - Part D: New Dwellings in the countryside - Applications for new dwellings will only be acceptable where they are essential to the effective operation of existing rural operations listed in tier 8 of Policy S1.
Policy S53 - Deign and Amenity - 1&2 Context and Identity - The development does not make a positive contribution, integrate or relate to the character, landscape and appearance on the countryside environment. Recent planning applications in this area have had restrictions imposed on them by the planning authority to maintain the character of the rural environment and this development undermines those, rightly determined, efforts
5. Nature and Policy S66 - The development of the land has removed natural hedgerows, mature trees and replaced them with wooden fence panels and conifer type hedges. A hard standing of hardcore and gravel has been created which has removed the natural grass and the character of the site. 
The biodiversity report does not adequately acknowledge the damage that was done to the environment during the planning breach and the impact on the birds & bats within the area.
Policy S83 - Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation. (Part 3 new sites – subsection a-f)
The development conflicts with the landscape character and protection of the natural and built environment 
The development does not have acceptable standard vehicle manoeuvring when vehicles, caravans, plant and trailers are located on the hard standing
The development has an unacceptable impact of the amenity of nearby residents (in accordance with Policy S53)
The proposal is not located within reasonable travelling to primary healthcare facilities, schools and other facilities. There are no footpaths or cycle routes to distant public transport link
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government 
Planning policy for traveller sites (Dec 2024)
Policy A - Using evidence to plan positively and manage development
The local authority has demonstrated effective engagement and cooperation with travellers, their representatives and support groups in developing a robust evidence base to establish the needs of travellers in the local plan
Policy B - Planning for traveller’s sites
The local authority has a sustainable local plan for travellers consistent with the requirements of the PPTS and NPPF. The local plan comfortably exceeds the identified requirements and has provision for double the assessed requirements. The local authority has a sustainable plan for Gypsy, Traveller, persons who’s have ceased to travel and show people accommodation
Policy H Determining planning permission
Planning law determines that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan I.e. the local plan. This application does not comply with the local plan
The application is not environmentally, sociably or economically sustainable now or for the future
The Parish Council are concerned with how the waste from the site is being disposed of (water, sewerage, and rubbish) along with the supply of electricity and water to the site.
4. To consider the grass cutting specification for the new contract.
After discussions it was Resolved to approve the new grass cutting specification with 3 contractors being approached for quotes, to be consider at the next Parish Council meeting. All agreed – show of hands.
Meeting Closed 8.30pm 
Signed ………………………………………………….
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