Pay Policy

Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council believes that a fair, transparent, and consistent pay policy which recognises, and rewards staff is a key element to continuous organisational improvement.
The council actively promotes equal opportunities in employment and welcomes diversity within the workforce and ensures equality for all employees and operates a transparent pay system compliant with the Equality Act 2010.
Currently the council has two employees, one of which is the Parish Clerk who also, performs the role of the Responsible Financial Officer. The other employee is the Litter Picker.
This policy sets out the framework for making decisions on employee pay. It will help to motivate an employer and provide the basis for sound financial & personnel planning and decrease the risk of grievance & discrimination.
The relevant legislation concerning equal pay is found within the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Equal Pay Regulations 1983 & Pensions Act 2011.
The legislation applies to all workers or employees regardless of full or part-time status, casual or temporary contract or length of service or any other consideration. Terms & conditions of employment are as set out in the job contract.
Council Commitment
• To pay accurately & on time
• To ensure a clear and fair pay policy is in place for its employees
• To maintain a salary record for employees, including holidays entitled to and taken, sick days entitled to and taken, overtime records & timesheets.
• To retail all payroll information in a secure facility to ensure the security of that information.
• To update employee payroll information in an accurate & time manner
• To keep HMRC log in details, PIN and passwords in accordance with Financial Regulations.
• To meet fully the statutory requirements placed on all employees by PAYE and National Insurance legislation.
• Employees will complete a time sheet which will be used to prepare salary calculations
• The Clerk/RFO will process salary payments using HMRC Basic Payroll Tools
• Payroll information will be submitted to HMRC in Real Time Information (RTI) on the day the agenda is produced.
• The employee’s will be provided with a detailed pay slip
• Payroll payments will be made by bank transfer the day after the parish council meeting
• Payroll payments in each calendar month shall be reported at Full Council meeting.
• Any payments to an employee more than their Terms & Conditions of Employment must be authorised in advance by the personnel Committee.
• P60’s will be issued by 31st May.
Pay Scales
• To comply with the legislation, the council will operate a transparent pay system based on objective criteria and publish pay details of staff in line with the requirements of the Transparency Code 2015
• The Clerks pay scales will be determined by their grading, which will align to the NJC pay scales, as per the Terms & Conditions of their employment.
• The Litter Pickers salary will be in line with or above the National Minimum Wage.
• The starting salary on appointment will normally be at the lower end of the pay scale, subject to negotiation based on the appointee’s level of knowledge & experience
• For the Clerk one salary point will be added to an employee’s salary, up to a maximum of four points, for success in obtaining or already holding any of the following relevant qualifications –
a. The Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA)
b. The Certificate of Higher Education in Community Engagement & Governance – Level 1 or equivalent qualification previously awarded by the University of Gloucestershire.
c. The Diploma in Higher Education in Community Engagement & Governance or equivalent qualification previously awarded by the University of Gloucestershire.
d. BA (Hons) Degree in Community Engagement & Governance or equivalent qualification previously awarded by the University of Gloucestershire.
Pay Reviews
• The Clerk will receive an annual appraisal by a member of the Personnel Committee, which will include a review of their salary.
• Subject to satisfactory performance, the Clerk will progress automatically through the pay scale band until they reach the maximum of the scale.
• The litter picker will receive an annual appraisal by the Clerk, to include a salary review. The Clerk will forward any recommendations regarding a salary increase to the Personnel Committee. (ensuring it is always in line with the National Minimum Wage)
• The personnel committee may withhold an increment if it is considered that performance fell below the expected level following an annual appraisal or award additional increments for exemplary performance.
• All decisions on pay and reward are recommended by the Personnel Committee to Full Council for ratification.
Additional Hours
• Exceptional additional hours required to be worked, above the normal working week, must be approved in advance by the Personnel Committee.
• The Council has a duty to automatically enrol eligible employees in a suitable pension scheme
• The leave year runs from the 1 April – 31 March
• Holidays must be taken at times agreed with the council and requests submitted to the Personnel Committee or the Clerk (for the Litter Picker)
• By mutual agreement no more than five days leave may be carried forward to the next leave year or
• The Clerk/RFO will ensure payroll skills are up to date and subscribe to HMRC employer bulletins
• Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council is committed to the fair application of the pay policy and will consider any employees concerns in the first instance through informal discussion with the Personnel Committee. If that does not result in resolution of the issue the use of the grievance procedure will be offered.
Policy Adopted October 2023, reviewed October 2024