Playing Field Terms of Reference

1. Membership shall comprise of 3 or more members, at least 1 of the members must be a Parish Councillor
2. Members of the committee will be appointed by full council at the Annual Parish Council Meeting held in May.
3. The Committee shall elect a Chairman for each year, at the first meeting of the committee.
4. The Parish Council may appoint new members to the committee during the year
5. Meetings must be open to the public
6. Quorum is 3 or one third of the total members whichever is the greater
7. Agendas are to be posted 3 clear days before a meeting.
8. All Decisions will be passed on a majority vote, where the Chairman will have the casting vote.
9. A Declaration of Interest form must be completed by all members
Frequency of meetings
1. The playing field committee will meet every other month, during the week before the Parish Council meeting where possible.
2. Notes, when they have been signed off as minutes, will be presented to the Parish Council.
3. All Eagle Playing field committee agendas & minutes will be loaded on to the parish council website.
Financial authority and Delegated Powers
1. The Playing Field Committee will have a separate bank account to the Parish Council main account, but one which is a Parish Council bank account
2. The Playing Field Committee will have the authority to spend £1000pm without prior approval from full council, with no individual amount exceeding £500, within the total budget set by the parish council.
3. Any spending must be approved by the Playing field Committee on a majority vote.
1. All members shall be accountable to the Parish Council at all times.
2. There will be a regular item on the Parish Council agenda, specifically to discuss the Playing Field Committee
Playing Field Committee Responsibilities
1. To be responsible to the Parish Council for the enhancement of the Eagle Village Playing Field and its facilities
2. Involve, engage and encourage participation by local inhabitants in the improvement of the Asset.
3. Enhance and protect community access to the Field.
4. Organise or assist in organising fundraising events
Parish Council Responsibilities, with agreement from the Playing Field Committee
1. To be responsible for the general maintenance and upkeep of the Playing Field, notably
a. Grass cutting
b. Mole and other pest management
c. Tree and hedge maintenance
d. Safe all-ability access onto the Playing Field
e. Litter picking and bin emptying
2. Insurance – to ensure there is adequate cover for the playing field.
3. ROSPA inspections – to ensure the annual inspection is carried out, and to ensure the findings are acted upon accordingly, either by the playing field committee or the parish council.
4. Incorporation of the Playing Field Accounts into the Annual Parish Council accounts.
Adopted by Full Council May 2018
Reviewed annually with no amendments 2019, 2020, 2021