Publication Scheme

Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council
General Information
Authority Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council
Responsible Officer Rachel Popplewell – Parish Clerk
Council Members 9 Parish Councillors
Class 1 – Who are we and what we do (Organisational information, structures, locations & contacts |
Information to be published Current information only |
How the information can be obtained |
Who’s on the Council and Committees |
Parish Council Website |
Contact Details for Parish Clerk and council members |
Parish Council Website |
Staffing Structure |
Parish Council Website |
Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it (Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts & financial audit)
Information to be published |
How the information can be obtained |
Current and previous financial year |
Parish Council website |
Annual return form and auditors report |
Hard copy from parish clerk |
Finalised Budget |
Parish Council website – minutes of relevant meeting |
Precept |
Parish Council website – minutes of relevant meeting |
Borrowing Approval Letter |
Hard Copy from parish clerk |
Financial standing orders and regulations |
Parish Council website |
Grants received and given |
Hard copy from parish clerk |
Members allowances and expenses |
Parish Council website |
Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews |
Information to be published |
How the information can be obtained |
Annual report to parish meeting (current and previous year) |
Parish Council website |
Class 4 – How we make decisions Decision making processes and records of decisions |
Information to be published |
How the information can be obtained |
Timetable of meetings |
Parish Council website & notice board |
Agendas of meetings |
Posted on the parish council website and notice board |
Minutes of meetings (this will exclude information regarded as private) |
Parish Council website |
Reports presented to council meetings (this will exclude information regarded as private |
Hard copy from the parish clerk |
Responses to consultation papers |
Hard copy from parish clerk |
Responses to planning applications |
Parish Council website – minutes of relevant meeting |
Class 5 – Our Policies and procedures Current written policies, protocols and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities Current information only |
Information to be published |
How the information can be obtained |
Policies and procedures for the conduct of council business |
Parish Council Website |
Procedural standing orders |
Parish Council website |
Committee and sub-committee terms of reference |
Parish Council Website |
Delegated authority in respect of officers |
Parish Council Website |
Code of conduct |
Parish Council Website |
Policy Statements |
Parish Council Website |
Class 6 – Lists and Registers Currently maintained lists and registers only |
Information to be published |
How the information can be obtained |
Assets Register |
Parish Council Website |
Register of members interests |
North Kesteven District Council |
Class 7 – The Services we offer Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters Current information only |
Information to be published |
How the information can be obtained |
Playing field |
Hard copy from the parish clerk |
Seating, litter bins, lighting |
Hard copy from the parish clerk |
Memorial |
Hard copy from the parish clerk |
Exempt material
- Personal information relating to Councillors (other than required to be declared in Register of Interests)
- Personal information relating to employees
- Tenders and bids from contractors and suppliers
- Vexatious or repeat requests
Charging Policy
Information can be inspected, by appointment with the parish clerk.
The Parish Council can refuse a Freedom of Information request if it will cost more than £450 to respond to.
Council may also ask for the request to be more specific for the information to be provided
A detailed search of records is subject to a charge of -
10p per sheet of black & white photocopies
50p per sheet of colour photocopies
Postage – Actual cost of Royal Mail second class post.
Any photocopies sent by post will be subject to postage and packaging fee
Review of Policy
This policy was approved by Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council on –
September 2018.
Thereafter annually, last review date 25.09.2024