CCTV policy

The CCTV system covers Eagle Playing Field, Play Area & Carpark and controlled by Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council. The CCTV system is operated on behalf on the Parish Council by Councillors & The Clerk.
1. CCTV images are monitored for the purpose of public safety, crime prevention & the detection & prosecution of offenders.
2. The images are retained for a 28-day period. This is a reasonable period for any incident that may have occurred within the range of the camera to be brought to the attention of those responsible for the system.
3. CCTV notices are displayed at the Playing Field & Play areas.
4. The Clerk to the Parish Council keeps a maintenance log for the system. A record is kept of the time, date, item no & description, fault servicing description & confirmation of the date & time the engineer was called and the date and time the fault was rectified.
5. The log may be used as a check that the cameras/recording equipment are properly maintained and serviced to ensure that clear images are recorded.
6. Regular checking of the cameras to ensure they are working should be carried out weekly
7. Access & Disclosure to third parties: All requests should be recorded and the reasons for allowing/refusing the request should be documented.
8. Any viewing of a recording should not necessarily require the agreement of the police.
9. Any enquiry concerning the CCTV system must be actioned through two members of the Parish Council and may involve the police.
10. Where viewing of a recording is granted a Viewing Agreement form should be completed. A record of the time & date of the viewing, name & signature of the person authorising the viewing, name & address of the person viewing the recording and the reason for viewing along with date and time of the recording to be viewed and the outcome(if any) of the viewing with the finishing time are required. Viewing should be undertaken with only designated persons having access to the equipment. As owners of the system the Parish Council reserves the right to have a representative present to view the recording. Owing to the sensitive & confidential nature of some of the matters dealt with by the Parish Council, this must be by arrangement with the Council.
11. Copy & removal of memory sticks if required by the police, as evidence is permissible. Details of the police officers’ number & station to be recorded. Unauthorised use of the system or removal of any of the recordings maybe a criminal offence.
12. Members of the public, whether or not they are representatives of organisations using any premises located on the parish council property, are not permitted to view recordings.
13. The following may be authorised to remove a memory stick copy: Law Enforcement agencies where images would assist with a specific criminal enquiry, prosecution agencies, relevant legal representatives ect.
14. Where a copy and removal of a recording is granted, a memory stick copy and removal form should be completed. A record is kept of the date & time of the memory stick copying & removal from the Playing Field, name & signature of the person who has authorised the copy and removal, name & address or PC no. and station of person removing the memory stick and the reason for removal along with crime number where applicable. The recording should be numbered and this noted next to the name & signature of the person receiving the recording.
15. Where access (for viewing or removal purposes) is denied the Viewing/copying removal denied form should be completed. A record is kept of the time & date of request for viewing/copying and removal along with details of the person dealing with the enquiry and the name & address of the person asking to view/receive a copy of the recording along with the reason for denying the request.
16. Any request or questions regarding the CCTV system should be directed to the Parish Clerk.
Email –
Detailed instruction and guidance may be found on the following documentation:
CCTV Code of Practice Published by Central Governments Data Protection Information Commissioner is available from
Adopted October 2020
Reviewed October 2021, October 2022, October 2023, October 2024