June 2024 Minutes
Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpes Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 26th June 2024 at 7pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr David Parkes – Chair, Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton, Cllr Pat Parkes, Cllr Jane Wallis, Cllr Bernadette Grayston – Vice Chair & Cllr Neil Faulkner.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
4 members of public.
Comments were received from the members of the public regarding the long-term plan of for the village now that the shop & post office has closed.
Agenda Items.
1. Welcome & Apologies.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Chennells. It was Resolved to accept the reason for absence & the apology, all agreed.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
Cllr Faulkner for agenda item 3 & Cllr Fulton-Sutton agenda item 10b.
3. To discuss the Nation Lotter Heritage application on behalf of Eagle Hall residents, and to Resolve to approve any further actions.
Cllr Faulkner did not partake in the discussions or vote for this agenda item
It was Resolved to suspend Standing Orders to allow the member of public to join in the discussions regarding this agenda item. All agreed – show of hands.
Residents of Eagle Hall outlined the details of the Knights Templar project and what the funding would be used for. The project focuses on five key activities to enhance the historical prominence:
• Boundary Signage
• 3D archaeological modelling
• Information board
• Website
• Seating for walkers & cyclists.
After discussions it was Resolved to support the pre-application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. All agreed – show of hands.
4. Notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All Agreed.
Signed by the Chair.
5. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to agree any subsequent actions.
The Clerk made comment that the new bin liner had been installed, in the bin on the High Street.
The Clerk made comment that the shop & post office were now closed, thanks were passed on to Natalie Booth, the shop and post office will be greatly missed by everyone in the village.
6. Finance
a. To approve the quote to remove the fall tree branch at the playing field
After discussions to was Resolved to approve the quote from Springwood Trees for £150 + VAT – All agreed, show of hands.
b. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances and any monies received (list previously circulated.
Councillors considered the list of payments. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All agreed. Proposed Cllr Parkes, seconded Cllr Wallis.
Cllr Grayston to approve the payments online.
Action BG.
The clerk made comment that the payment to Springwood Trees would be deferred until the works had been carried out at the park.
Bank Balances.
c. To approve the electricity renewal costs for the Parish Council
Deferred to the next meeting
7. To appoint the Internal Auditor for the Financial Years 31.03.2025 & 31.05.2026.
After discussions it was Resolved to appoint S Fletcher as the internal auditor. All agreed – show of hands.
Action Clerk.
8. To review the following policies.
a. Data Protection Policy
b. Data Breach Policy
c. Records Retention Policy
d. Data Map
e. Subject Access Request Procedure
f. To receive a Security Compliance Checklist from Councillors.
After discussions it was Resolved to adopt all the policies – no amendments were required – All agreed – show of hands.
Security Compliance checklist was received from all Councillors.
9. To adopt the new Financial Regulations
After discussions it was Resolved to adopt the new Financial Regulations. All agreed – show of hands.
10. To consider the following planning applications.
a. Change of use from annex to existing dwelling to form a separate dwelling, including alterations to the building to include installation of door, bifold doors and additional Velux windows together with change of use of pastureland to form domestic curtilage, erection of new boundary fence and creation of new access onto Station Road.
Annex, Low Wood House, Station Road. Ref – 24/0598/FUL.
After discussions it was Resolved to support the application. All agreed – show of hands.
b. Reduce tree away from the house by up to 2m, crown lift to 3m agl & remove dead wood.
17 Hilltop Close, Eagle. Ref – 24/0719/TPO
After discussions it was Resolved to submit ‘no comment to the application. All agreed – show of hands.
11. Eagle Playing Field update to include:
a. Update on the graffiti, and to approve the CCTV images to be given to the Police
Cllr P Parkes & Cllr Fulton-Sutton confirmed that they had passed on the CCTV images to the police to assist them with their enquiries into locating the culprit.
b. To discuss the grass cutting at the playing field.
Comments were received regarding the maintenance of the open spaces at the park, as it was looking untidy, the Clerk did contact the contractors who has since been back and strimmed all the areas and sprayed around the footpath & BMX track. The replacement tree guard is still waiting to be installed. Grass cutting to monitored on a regular basis.
c. To discuss the estimates & possible plans for the kitchen block renovations.
Cllr Grayston made comment that 4 contractors had been to look at what is required at the kitchen block for the renovations, 2 estimates had been received. The Clerk was asked to investigate as to whether planning permission and technical drawings would be required?
Action Clerk.
Further information and more concise drawings would be required to obtain fixed price quotations, the council would then consider if the project would be viable. Before applying for grant funding.
The Clerk was asked to investigate funding options for the possible new pieces of play equipment
Action Clerk.
12. To discuss the possibility of a ‘Fre-eagle’ type event at the playing field.
Cllr Wallis made comment that she had been asked by residents if there was a possibility of an organised event at the playing field. After discussions it was Resolved that the residents can organise an event at the playing field, they must ensure that insurance is in place and a Risk Assessment has been carried out.
Due to the current condition of the kitchen block & toilets they would not be available.
All agreed – show of hands.
13. Items for the next agenda.
14. Date & Time of the next meeting.
Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 31st July 2024.