October 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 27th October 2020 at 7.30pm.

This meeting was conducted via Microsoft Teams for safety reasons due to (Corona Virus) Covid19.

Present – Cllr Martyn Jackson – Chair, Cllr Jane Wallis – Vice Chair, Cllr Colin Campbell, Cllr Michael Chennells, Cllr Chris Patty, Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton & Cllr Dawn Warnock

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk


1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received & accepted from Councillor Bottom.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.


3. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 29th September 2020 to be approved as minutes.

The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record.

All Agreed – Via online meeting show of hands.

4. Clerks Update.

The Clerk made comment that training was still available for the Community Speed watch Scheme, with 8 volunteers coming forward offering to help. Memory Sticks and a log book for the CCTV had been purchased.

The Eagle Eye contribution were still to be paid.

The new signs had been put up at the park, but one had been already been taken down Cllr Campbell offered to put it back up, the repairs to the BMX track had been completed by the contractor.

Cllr Patty confirmed that the Village Hall Committee was not paying Council Tax for the Village Hall.

5. Finance –

a. To authorise the signing of orders for payment & to note bank balances and any monies received.

The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed. Proposed by Cllr Wallis seconded by Cllr Fulton-Sutton.

Cllr Wallis offered to approve the online payments. Action JW

The Following accounts were approved at the meeting.



Monies Received - £275 Land Rent

Bank Balances

Parish Council – 30.09.2019 – £6,710.76

30.09.2020 - £3,394.08

Playing Field – 30.09.2019 - £336.34

30.09.2020 - £234.41

Savings Account £27,040.41

Holding Plane Memorial Funds 3,033.30.

The Clerk made comment that Councillors Jackson & Warnock were still to activate their tokens so they can access the online banking. Action MJ & DW

b. To Approve the Bank Reconciliation as at 30.09.2020

The Bank Reconciliation was approved showing the accounts to balance as at 30.09.2020 – All Agreed.

c. To Review the Budget as at 30.09.2020

The Clerk made comment that the Parish Council was at 60% of target as at 30.09.2020. No amendments were required.

6. Playing Field Update.

a. To review & adopt the CCTV policy.

After discussions it was Resolved to adopt the policy.

b. CCTV Training

Cllr Wallis made comment that the CCTV was now up and running at the park. The Clerk had been and done the training to use the CCTV, the rest of the Councillors now need to complete it. The Clerk made comment that she had purchased Memory Sticks and a Log book for the CCTV, should any access requests be received. Action All Councillors

c. Review of COVID 19 at the Playing Field.

The Clerk made comment that one of the new signs had been removed from the Play area, Cllr Campbell offered to put it back up. No further action required under COVID 19 rules, unless the Parish Council receive revised guidelines from the Government. Action CC

d. Tree Pruning at the Playing Field.

The Trees at the Carpark and Play area needed to be cut back as the branches were overhanging and quite low, they were also obscuring the CCTV cameras that cover the entrance gates and Carpark. The Clerk was asked to get quotes for the tree maintenance. Action Clerk.

7. Website Update.

Cllr Warnock confirmed that the Website was now UpToDate with the minutes & agendas. The website is in the process of being updated to ensure it complies with the new Accessibility Guidelines this required all documents to be converted into a new format – this is quite time consuming and requires specialist help. After discussions it was Resolved to get additional outside help to convert the website. Action DW/Clerk

8. To Review the Health & Safety Policy Statement

It was Resolved to accept the Policy Statement no amendments required.

9. Possible Options for the £10,000 Small Business Grant & Retail, Hospitality & Leisure Grant received from North Kesteven District Council.

The Parish Council had received the £10,000 grant from NKDC due to the Corona Virus Pandemic. Discussions surrounding possible local projects for the monies were considered. It was Resolved to consult with the community for their suggestions regarding how the money could be spent. To be Advertised in the Eagle Eye & Facebook. Action JW/Clerk

10. Swinderby Station Carpark Update.

The Clerk made comment that she was looking into possible options to help fund the maintenance of the Station Carpark which costs £500-£1000pa. She had been in contact with a Community Ambassador for East Midlands Railway. She suggested a community group of volunteers who would help maintain the Carpark under a station adoption scheme, this would then give the Parish Council access to a number of funding options. Due to the location of the Station she was keen to involve Swinderby Parish Council as well Eagle & Swinethorpe to help. The cost to set up the group would be £25. The Parish Council were happy for the scheme to be investigated further.

The Clerk had highlighted the overhanging tree that was covering the carpark, which was the responsibility of East Midlands Trains – this had been logged to be cut back.

The Flooding that caused access issues last winter was also discussed, a map of the area showing the blocked culvert was requested to be forwarded onto East Midlands Trains, Community Ambassador Action MC/Clerk.

11. Considerations for the Precept for the Year 2021/2022.

The Clerk made comment that plans for the next financial year’s budget would need to be considered/discussed. The Councillors were asked to put forward any possible projects & costings they would like to be included. Action All Councillors.

12. Plans for Remembrance Day.

Cllr Wallis proposed that the Parish Council purchase a wreath to be laid at the memorial on Remembrance Day and to suggest that parishioners hold the 2 minutes silence on their doorsteps/on the street so as to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

A further suggestion that children paint poppies on stones to be put around the village or at the memorial was proposed.

After discussions It was Resolved to accept the proposal, the Clerk was asked to purchase a wreath to the value of £50. Cllr Wallis to advertise the suggestions on Facebook and to contact the Church for details on their service on the 8th November.

Cllr Campbell offered to lay the wreath. Action JW/CC/Clerk.

13. Community Speed Watch Update.

Cllr Fulton-Sutton made comment that she didn’t think there were enough volunteers to run the Community Speed watch scheme successfully. She had been in contact with another group Community Road Watch regarding a more permanent speed sign, who had offered to come and collate data from the village regarding speeding vehicles and then advise further on possible solutions.

The Clerk was asked to find the previous speed survey conducted approx. 2 years ago, Cllr Fulton-Sutton to clarify details & costings of the Speed logger sign.

Action JFS/Clerk

Items for the Next Agenda/Any other business

Comments were received regarding a new access that had been created to the Nursing Home on Lincoln Road, the Clerk was asked to contact Planning Dept at North Kesteven District Council to make them aware. Action Clerk

14. Date & Time of the Next Meeting

Tuesday 1st December 2020 7.30pm.

Meeting closed 9pm