July 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 21st July 2020 at 7.30pm.

This meeting was conducted via Zoom for safety reasons due to (Corona Virus) Covid19.

Members of the public, District & County Councillors were able to join – invite issued to the online meeting

Present – Councillors Martyn Jackson – Chair, Jane Wallis – Vice Chair, Colin Campbell, Michael Chennells, Chris Patty & Jane Fulton-Sutton.

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk.

District Councillor Peter Overton

County Councillor Mike Thompson.

Cllr Overton made comment that a COVID 19 Recovery Document/list of suggestions had been compiled by the Independent Party, and presented to NKDC. The Annual consensus that is due imminently is being streamlined, no changes = no need to reply. Most planning requests for food outlets/public houses to extend their premises onto the street were being approved by NKDC.

The Environmental Overview Committee had met with an issued being raised regarding the council’s tree policy, the cost to plant a tree being in the region of £200, it was proposed that the council work with additional parties to collate a more co-operative view.

Cllr Thompson made comment that Community Maintenance teams have been set up to provide a more flexible approach to maintenance in the community. Works are scheduled for Nov/Dec in our village. Cllr Thompson asked that a list be collated of areas of concern but Fix my street App should still be used to log and issues before hand.


1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received & accepted from Councillor Bottom.

Cllr Warnock absent.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.


3. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd June 2020 to be approved as minutes.

The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record.

All Agreed – Via online meeting show of hands.

4. Clerks Update.

The Clerk made comment that the online banking had an issue last month and it took 9 days to get the payments approved. Online banking only had one Councillor available to approve the payments at the time. Cllr Jackson & Cllr Warnock still need to approve their log in details.

The Tree that was a danger at the park has been removed safely.

The Clerk had made comment that the Village Hall Committee had decided not to reopen the village hall until at least the 1st September, they had received the £10,000 business rates grant.

The locks had been changed at the hall, Cllr Patty was asked to enquire about a new key and what plans they had for the grant monies. Action CP

Cllr Jackson had met with the lady hoping to set up a Forest School at the Playing Field, adding that it seemed like a good idea encouraging children to become interested in the outside, and he would support the proposal.

5. To authorise the signing of orders for payment & to note bank balances and any monies received.

The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed. Proposed by Cllr Campbell seconded by Cllr Chennells.

Cllr Wallis offered to approve the online payments. Action JW

The Following accounts were approved at the meeting.







Static Security





Springwood Trees





D Lyne





Litter Picking Bits










YU energy (Direct Debit)





YU energy (Direct Debit)





YU energy (Direct Debit)





YU energy (Direct Debit)



















Bank Balances

Parish Council – 30.06.2019 – £27,560.54

30.06.2020 - £5,772.89

Playing Field – 30.06.2019 - £254.87

30.06.2020 - £3,288.06

Savings Account £22,040.41

The Clerk made comment that Councillors Jackson & Warnock were still to activate their tokens so they can access the online banking. Action MJ & DW

6. To consider, approve & sign the Annual Governance Statements 2019/2020

It was Resolved to answer all the statements with a positive outcome – Signed by the Chair & Clerk.

7. To Approve & Sign the Accounting Statements 2019/2020

It was Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements – Signed by the Chair & Clerk

8. To Approve & Sign the Certificate of Exemption 2019/2020

The Clerk made comment that the Parish Council were exempt from an External Audit as the Annual income & expenditure were both below £25,000.

It was Resolved to sign the Exemption Certificate – Signed by the Chair & Clerk.

9. To Receive & Discuss the Internal Auditors Report y/end 31.03.2020.

The Chair made comment that the internal audit report received was very good with no discrepancies highlighted.

Thanks, were passed onto the Clerk for an excellent year.

10. To review the budget as at 30.06.2020 & to approve the Bank Reconciliation 30.06.2020.

The Clerk made comment that the Parish Council was at 16% of budget, should be 25%. No Amendments were needed for the budget.

It was Resolved to approve the bank reconciliation 30.06.2020.

11. To Adopt the following policies

a. Disciplinary policy

b. Grievance policy

c. Councillor Vacancy (co-option policy)

It was Resolved to adopt the following policies

12. To consider the following planning applications.

a. Proposed works to Trees subject to Tree preservation order

b. New Pole Barn, Land South East of Beehive Lane.

c. Removal of public payphone, 43 High Street, Eagle

Ref – 20/0799/TPO

It was Resolved to support the planned Tree Works.

Ref – 20/0814/PNGAR

It was Resolved to submit ‘no comment’ tot the application.

Ref – 20/0882/PNTEL

It was Resolved to agree to the removal of the public pay phone.

13. Playing Field Update to include

a. Corona Virus update after the re-opening.

b. Update regarding the installation of CCTV at the playing field and associated costs.

c. Update regarding the Locking & unlocking of the Playing Field Gates.

The Clerk made comment that a Risk assessment had been conducted and signs erected at the play park, it was emphasised that the signs are to remain in place – Ongoing monitoring from the Councillors All Councillors.

After discussions the Clerk was asked to find out the additional costs of a 4th camera to ensure most of the playing field & access points would be covered by the CCTV. Possibility of remote access to the CCTV via mobile phones to be explored. Action Clerk.

d. Repairs required for the MUGA door. The Chair offered to repair the door.

After discussions the Clerk was asked to clarify the latest bill as the gates hadn’t been locked regularly over the previous 4 weeks. Consideration to give notice on the gate locking once the CCTV was installed. Action Clerk.

Action MJ

14. Items for the next agenda/Any other business.

The Clerk made comment that the Car park at Swinderby Station needed to have the weeds sprayed off, as it was becoming overgrown. Cllr Chennells offered to sort

Action MC

15. Date & Time of the Next Meeting

Tuesday 25th August 2020 7.30pm.

Meeting closed 8.30pm