June 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 23rd June 2020 at 7.30pm.

This meeting was conducted via Zoom for safety reasons due to (Corona Virus) Covid 19.

Members of the public, District & County Councillors were able to join – invite issued to the online meeting

Present – Councillors Martyn Jackson – Chair, Dawn Warnock, Colin Campbell & Michael Chennells, Chris Patty & Jane Fulton-Sutton

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk.

PCSO Sarah Lingard

1 member of the public

Public Comment.

Cllr Thompson made comment that it was Armed Forces week this week. Lincolnshire County Council Health Scrutiny Committee were due to meet to discuss the implications of changing the services at Grantham A&E. Lincolnshire County Council staff will be working from home for the next 6 months due to the Corona Virus.

Cllr Overton made comment that 87% of grants had been issued to those eligible, whilst the Discretionary Grants had been oversubscribed, these are available to those who couldn’t claim any money. North Kesteven District Councils’ carparks have re-opened and charges now apply. Scrutiny meeting have now started to take place to consider the impact on the working & social conditions after the virus.


1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received & accepted from Councillors Wallis & Bottom.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.


3. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26th May 2020 to be approved as minutes.

The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record All Agreed – Via online meeting show of hands.

4. Clerks Update

The Clerk made comment that the meeting dates were on the notice board & Cllr Warnock had put them on the website.

5. To authorise the signing of orders for payment & to note bank balances and any monies received.

The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed. Proposed by Cllr Campbell seconded by Cllr Chennells.

Cllr Chennells offered to approve the online payments. Action MC

The Following accounts were approved at the meeting







YU Energy (Direct debit)





Opus Energy (direct debit)










D Lyne Ground Maint





Static Security





Trent Valley Internal Drainage
























Bank Balances

Parish Council – 30.05.2019 – £28,063.42

30.05.2020 - £7,069.97

Playing Field – 30.05.2020 - £261.23

30.05.2020 - £3,288.06

Savings Account £22,005.14

The Clerk made comment that Councillors Jackson, Warnock & Wallis were still to activate their tokens so they can access the online banking.

Action MJ, DW & JW

6. To Review the Following Policies

It was Resolved to approve the following policies;

a. Data Protection

b. Records Retention Policy

c. Data Breach Policy

d. Subject Access Request Procedure

The Councillors reviewed their Security Compliance Checklist – no amendments were required.

7. To consider the proposal for a Forest School at the Playing Field.

The Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting with the resident to discuss the project Cllr Jackson offered to meet them. Action MJ & RP

8. To consider the following Planning Application. a. Conversion of Garage/workshop to form 1no dwelling. Land to rear of Eagle Garage, Scarle Lane, Eagle. Ref – 20/0561/FUL

The parish council had ‘No Comment’ to make regarding the application.

9. Corona Virus Update.

The Government had issued new guidelines regarding the opening of the Play Parks with effect from 4th July 2020. It was Resolved to open the play equipment area of the park in line with government guidelines. To be advertised on Facebook.

Action RP

10. Playing Field Update to include –

a. To discuss the recent incidents at the park, including the vandalism of the MUGA

b. To consider the installation of CCTV at the Playing Field & any associated costs.

c. To approve the works required to a dangerous tree to the rear of the MUGA.

d. Locking & Unlocking of the Playing Field Gates.

The PCSO made comment that 7 young people had been issued with an antisocial behaviour order, and had received letters from North Kesteven District Council. A quantity of cannabis had been taken from them at the scene.

The Vandalism at the park, was thought to of had 2 witnesses to the incident but this wasn’t the case - The trespassers cannot be identified.

Two quotes had been obtained, the installation of CCTV at the park was considered to be a good deterrent, although the cameras needed to be of high quality so that offenders would be easily identified. The Clerk was asked to clarify the quality of the cameras. Action RP

Cllrs Fulton-Sutton & Campbell had met with the resident who had raised the concern of a dead tree that may fall into his house/fence. After inspection the tree was considered a hazard, the Clerk had obtained a quote to remove the tree of £450.

It was Resolved to approve the quote and get the tree removed as soon as possible Action RP

The Chairman asked that a rota be set up to open the gates at the park each morning, to allow access to the carpark. 4 councillors offered to open the gate on a weekly rota Cllr Fulton-Sutton offered to start this week.

11. Items for the next Agenda/Any Other Business.

Cllr Patty was asked to get an update on the village hall re-opening and if they had been in receipt of the £10,000 business rates grant from North Kesteven District Council. Action CP

The Eagle Eye is considered valuable village asset that Cllr Wallis was running alone due to the recent passing of a resident who also ran the Eagle Eye – consideration that Cllr Wallis made need extra support from the Parish Council for it to continue.

Cllr Campbell asked that a resident from the village had been making facemasks at home and giving them away for free via baskets on her garden wall – A public thankyou from the Parish Council to be put on Facebook to show our appreciation.

12. Date & Time of the Next Meeting

Tuesday 28th July 2020 at 7.30pm.

The Clerk left the meeting – 8.35pm

The Parish Council then moved into Closed Session.

1. To Review the Clerks Annual Appraisal & Salary

The Chair gave a brief resume of the Clerks’ appraisal – adding that she had had another good year.

After Discussions It was Resolved to move the Clerk up one Salary point on the pay scales – to be back dated to 01.04.2020 – All Agreed – show of hands

Meeting closed 8.45pm

New locks & notices had been put up at the Play areas as they are still closed due to the Corona Virus. Cllr Campbell confirmed that he had removed the goal posts & the Fly Tipping on Swinderby Road had been reported