June 2024 Agenda

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and COUNCILLORS ARE SUMMONED to attend a meeting of Eagle and Swinethorpe Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 26th June 2024 at 7.00pm at Eagle Village Hall.
There will be a 10-minute public forum where members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. A further 10 minutes will be set aside to receive reports from the County & District Councillors. Your attendance is required during this time.
Mrs R Popplewell
Parish Clerk
1. Welcome & Apologies.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
3. To discuss the National Lottery Heritage application on behalf of Eagle Hall residents, and to Resolve to approve any further actions.
4. Notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 to be approved as minutes.
5. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to agree any subsequent actions.
6. Finance.
a. To approve the quote to remove the fallen tree branch at the playing field.
b. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received. (List previously circulated).
c. To approve the electricity renewal costs for the parish council.
7. To appoint the Internal Audit for the financial years 31st ending March 2025 & 31st March 2026.
8. To review the following policies.
a. Data Protection Policy
b. Data Breach Policy
c. Records Retention Policy
d. Data Map
e. Subject Access Request procedure
f. To receive a Security Compliance checklist from Councillors.
9. To adopt the new Financial Regulations.
10. To consider the following planning application
a. Change of use from annex to existing dwelling to form a separate dwelling, including alterations to the building to include installation of door, bifold doors and additional Velux windows together with change of use of pastureland to form domestic curtilage, erection of new boundary fence and creation of new access onto Station Road.
Annex, Low Wood House, Station Road. Ref – 24/0598/FUL
b. Reduce tree away from the house by up to 2m, crown lift to 3m agl & remove dead wood.
17 Hilltop Close, Eagle. Ref – 24/0719/TPO
11. Eagle Playing Field update, to include –
a. Update on the graffiti, and to approve the CCTV images to be given to the police.
b. To discuss the grass cutting at the playing field.
c. To discuss the estimates and possible plans for the kitchen block renovations.
12. To discuss the possibility of a ‘Fre-eagle’ type event at the playing field.
13. Items for the next Agenda.
14. Date & time of next meeting –
Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 31st July 2024 at 7pm.