May 2022 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting

You are hereby summoned to attend The Annual Parish Council meeting for Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 25 May 2021, at 7.30pm.
Following the election of the Chairman & Vice Chairman there will be a public forum for 10 minutes where members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. A further 10 minutes will be set aside to receive reports from the County & District Councillors. Your attendance is required during this time.
Mrs R Popplewell
Parish Clerk
1. To Elect a Chairman for Eagle and Swinethorpe Parish Council for the ensuing year 2022/2023.
2. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form from the Chairman for 2022/2023.
3. To Elect a Vice-Chairman of Eagle and Swinethorpe Parish Council and to receive the Declaration of Acceptance of office form for the ensuing year 2022/2023.
4. Public Forum – To Resolve to suspend standing orders for a maximum of 20 minutes to allow members of the public, District and County Councillors to make comment or ask questions.
5. To receive Apologies for Absence.
6. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
7. To appoint members to the Personnel Committee.
8. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 27th April 2022 to be approved as minutes.
9. To review and adopt Standing Orders for the Council
10. To review and adopt the Financial Regulations for the Council, and to Resolve to accept variable Direct Debits & Online Banking
11. To review and adopt the Complaints Procedure and Handling method.
12. To review the Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee.
13. To resolve to agree Parish Council meeting dates for the year 2022/2023.
14. To receive the Internal Audit report.
15. To Consider, Approve and Sign the Annual Governance Statements 2021/2022.
16. To Approve & Sign the Accounting Statements 2021/2022.
17. To sign the Certificate of Exemption, confirming that the council is exempt from an limited assurance review.
18. Clerks Update & Correspondence.
19. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
20. Update on the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
21. To consider the following planning application
a. Front extension to form porch, single storey rear extension and loft conversion, demolition of existing garage and erection of new garage.
Westside, 5 Church Lane, Eagle. Ref – 22/0635/HOUS
b. Proposed works to Trees subject to Tree Preservation Order
30 Hilltop Close, Eagle. Re 22/0733/TPO
22. Playing Field
a. To consider the quotes for repairs to the BMX track and areas around the MUGA & picnic areas.
23. To consider the quotes to remove the bollards at Swinderby Station carpark and replace with gravel to match existing.
24. Village Hall update.
25. Items for the next Agenda.
26. Date & time of next meeting –
Wednesday 29th June 2022 at 7.30pm.