January 2019 Minutes (15th)

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 15th January 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.

Present – Councillors Martyn Jackson – Chair, Nigel Bottom – Vice Chair, Jane Wallis, Chris Patty, Katy Thomas & Michael Chennells

Clerk - Rachel Popplewell

County Councillor Mike Thompson


No Public Comment


1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Campbell & Warnock & District Councillor Sally Appleby & Peter Rothwell

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.


3. Police Report.

Nothing to report

4. To Receive reports from County & District Councillors.

Cllr Mike Thompson gave details of the up coming Lincoln Transport Strategy Stakeholder Workshops and drop in sessions. Cllr Parker will attend on behalf of the Parish Council.

A report had been previously circulated from Cllr Appleby – copy is attached to the minutes.

5. Notes of the Extra – ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to be approved as minutes.

The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Cllr Chennells seconded by Cllr Wallis – All agreed, signed by the Chair.

6. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4th December 2018 to be approved as minutes.

The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bottom seconded by Cllr Thomas – All Agreed, signed by the Chair.

7. Clerks Update.

The Clerk confirmed that the bollard at Swinderby Station Carpark had now been repaired.

The Clerk made comment that all the previous suggestions for the road name for the development on High Street/Swinderby Road had been rejected.

A further suggestion ‘Harrier Hill’ was put forward for consideration.

The Clerk had been informed that the Village Hall Committee had applied for funding to install WiFi, a letter was required from the community asking for it to be installed.

Action RP

8. To authorise the signing of the orders for payment & to note any income received.

The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed.

Bank Balances

Parish Council 31.12.2017 - £16,282.54

31.12.2018 - £38,062.32

Playing Field 31.12.2017 -£4,092.55

31.12.2018 - £291.93

Accounts approved







Opus Energy (Direct Debit)





YU Energy (direct Debit)





The Play Inspection Co





YU Energy (direct debit)





Mailbox renewal (D Warnock)










Eagle Village Hall



















Monies Received

Groundworks UK (NHP Grant) - £4055.00

Derbyshire Trust (Swings Project) - £12,624.00

Aviva Insurance -£170.00

Petty Cash deposit PFC - £194.56

9. To review the following 2 policies.

It was resolved to review & adopt the following policies with no amendments.

a. Equality Policy

b. Donations & Grants Policy

10. To Sign & Approve the Bank Reconciliation & to review the Budget as at the 31.12.2018.

It was Resolved to agree the Bank Reconciliation – All Agreed signed by Cllr Chennells.

The parish council reviewed the budget, with the council being at 81% of target, at this stage of the year should be 75%. No amendments were required.

11. To Approve a budget for the Playing Field maintenance -costings previously circulated.

After discussions it was resolved to add £500 onto next year’s budget to cover the additional maintenance costs.

The litter picker job description was to be updated to now include the weekly safety checking of all the facilities at the playing field – with an additional 2 hours per month added to his contract w.e.f. from April 2019.

Clerk to contact local builders for quotes, for the repairs that need attention now Action RP

Cllr Wallis made comment that the door on the portacabin at the playing field had been forced open, after discussions it was Resolved to get the portacabin removed from the park as it was considered a hazard. Cllr Chennells to organise.

Action MC

Cllr Wallis to put a new lock on the box, housing the tennis nets, next to the MUGA

Action JW

12. To Agree the Precept for the Financial Year.

After discussions is was Resolved to set the Precept at £14,917. Which is a 5.19% increase on last year’s bill, this equates to an annual increase of £2.61 on a Band D property.

The increase was agreed to cover the ongoing maintenance/upkeep costs at the playing field.

13. To consider the following planning application –

Change of use of land temporarily store motor homes (50 units max) – Retrospective. Camper UK Leisure Oink End, Harby Lane, Swinethorpe. Ref – 18/1574/FUL.

It was Resolved to submit the following comments –

Clarity was required on the term ‘Temporary’ and what this actually means weeks/months, suggestion would be an 8-week time frame. Concerns over the change of use from leisure to storage site. The parish council doesn’t support any retrospective planning applications.

14. Neighbourhood Plan Update.

To approve & sign the Neighbourhood Plan Contract between Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council & Community Links with Open Plan.

It was Resolved to sign the Contract – All Agreed.

Thanks, were passed onto all involved with the plan.

15. Playing Field Update.

a. Including proposed repeat order for the annual inspection.

It was Resolved to accept the offer of a repeat order for an annual inspection at the playing field, the council will be notified prior of any price increase.

b. Portacabin – see above regarding the removal of the portacabin.

16. Date & Time of the next meeting

Tuesday 26th February 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall

Meeting Closed at 9.10pm.