February 2019 Minutes
Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 26th February 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present – Councillors Nigel Bottom – Vice Chair, Jane Wallis, Chris Patty, Michael Chennells & Colin Campbell
Clerk - Rachel Popplewell
County Councillor Mike Thompson & District Councillor Peter Rothwell
2 Members of the public.
Comments were received from the public regarding the condition and width of the footpaths in the village, and also the lack of street lighting in certain areas of the High Street making it dangerous to get around. After discussions and reassurances from the County Councillor that once the issues have been reported via the online portal at Highways Lincolnshire they would then be investigated.
Speeding was highlighted as an issue again, more so now with a road being closed at Thorpe on the Hill and drivers were finding alternative routes to the A46 through the village. Additional road signage or ‘STOP’ signs possibly being installed at the junction of High Street/Thorpe Lane might be an option to help avoid an accident. Clerk to liaise with County Councillor for an urgent response
Action RP
1. Welcome & Apologies
Cllr Bottom Chaired the meeting
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Jackson, Warnock, Parker, Thomas & District Councillor Sally Appleby.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.
3. Police Report.
Nothing to report
4. To Receive reports from County & District Councillors.
Cllr Thompson gave details of the 2019/2020 budget with the LCC executive making a proposal of 4.95% council tax increase. The Lincoln Transport Strategy Stakeholder Workshops had taken place with the A46 Western Bypass a main concern and the pursuing of a Hykeham relief road, additional consideration was given to access alternative transport options eg..cycle & public transport.
A report had been previously circulated from Cllr Appleby – copy is attached to the minutes.
Cllr Rothwell made comment regarding the NHS funding monies for Witham St Hughs, the medical provision & building of a new doctor’s surgery was to be discussed due to the continuing expansion of the village.
5. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15th January 2019 to be approved as minutes.
The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Cllr Chennells seconded by Cllr Wallis – All Agreed, signed by the Chair.
6. Clerks Update.
The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted two local builders to do the repairs at the park – Quotes were still waiting to be received. In the absence of a quote from a local tradesperson, the Clerk was asked to contact Lindum Group for the work to be completed following a quotation & agreement Action RP
The Clerk confirmed that the existing grass cutting contractor, had no change in rates and was happy to continue for the next financial year 2019/2020. Action RP.
The Clerk made comment that the bank signing mandate would need to be updated, due to a change of Councillors Action RP
The Clerk asked that the parish laptop was given an ‘MOT’ as it was working quite slowly – it was Resolved to agree to get the laptop serviced Action RP
7. To authorise the signing of the orders for payment & to note any income received.
The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed.
Bank Balances
Parish Council 31.01.2018 – £15,448.70
31.01.2019 - £21,309.97
Playing Field Committee 31.01.2018 - £4,092.55
31.01.2019 - £284.63
Accounts Approved
Date |
Name |
Net |
Total |
26.02.2019 |
Best4pests |
£170.00 |
£170.00 |
26.02.2019 |
Community Links |
£1027.50 |
£205.50 |
£1233.00 |
26.02.2019 |
R Mason Site Svcs |
£420.00 |
£84.00 |
£504.00 |
26.02.2019 |
Opus Energy (Direct Debit) |
£5.89 |
£0.29 |
£6.18 |
26.02.2019 |
YU Energy (Direct Debit) |
£5.68 |
£0.28 |
£5.96 |
26.02.2019 |
YU Energy (Direct Debit) |
£111.56 |
£5.58 |
£117.14 |
26.02.2019 |
Eagle Village Hall |
£28.00 |
£28.00 |
26.02.2019 |
MJL Fire Safety SVCS |
£206.02 |
£41.20 |
£247.22 |
26.02.2019 |
Salaries |
£455.45 |
£455.45 |
26.02.2019 |
Postage |
£1.34 |
£1.34 |
26.02.2019 |
Opus Energy (Direct Debit) |
£5.83 |
£0.29 |
£6.12 |
Total |
£2437.27 |
£337.14 |
£2774.41 |
Monies Received –
Wayleave Payment £75.46
VAT Refund - £3329.42
8. Playing Field Update.
To consider forming a new playing field committee
Cllr Wallis made comment that the removal of the portacabin was imminent.
Cllr Chennells was asked to try and get a definite date for the removal Action MC
Comment was received saying that the surface of the MUGA & under the play equipment needed cleaning. It was Resolved to use the previous contractor to get the work done Action RP
Forming of the new Playing Field committee was deferred as there was no engagement from the ‘new’ proposed committee although full support for such an engagement was voiced from the whole Parish Council
The donation of the tables & benches, once owned by Eagle Playing Field Committee, to the Lincoln 27th Thorpe on the Hill scout group was well received.
9. Renewal of the Information Commissioners Office registration and to approve the annual fee.
It was resolved to approve the renewal, sign a direct mandate to pay the annual fee of £35 – All Agreed
10. To review the approved planning application to Tarmac Aggregates Ltd, to extract sand and gravel from the land to the west of Whisby Quarry.
Comments were made regarding the application and the clarity of the time frames after the extraction was finished and how long it was taking to restore the surrounding area from previous diggings. The Clerk was asked to write to Lincolnshire County Council about this and to contact Tarmac regarding the Quarry Liaison Meeting.
Action RP
11. To review the Risk Management Policy.
After the review, it was Resolved to adopt the policy no amendments were required.
12. Increased Traffic issues on Scarle Lane for residents.
Comments had been received regarding the lorries/extra traffic going through the village due to the new Time & Weight Limit restriction on the A1133 which then extends through to Spalford. Large artic sized HGV Lorries are being forced to now come through Eagle village to reach their destination rather than continue their journey on the A1133.
Clerk was asked to contact Highways to highlight this very serious village issue and Newark & Sherwood District Council as the weight limit change has been bought inn by them and is a cross border issue which Eagle village had no consultation on.
Action RP
Additional vehicles (100’s/1000’s) are also using Eagle to access the A46 due to the congestion on the A46 bypass and a road closure in Thorpe on the Hill, which has for some time been used by traffic is finding alternative ways to access the A46. The B roads surrounding the village are in a poor state of repair, and the extra traffic will only make these worse.
Clerk was asked to contact Highways to highlight both issues and Newark & Sherwood District Council as the weight limit change is a cross border issue.
Action RP
13. Neighbourhood Plan Update.
Cllr Campbell made comment that the plan was still on track with Open plan & Community links working to get the Landscape Character Assessment & the Housing Needs Survey completed. Input was required from the village/parishioners with a walk round planned for 7th April 2019.
14. Emergency Plan Update
The Clerk made comment that the working group had completed about half of the Emergency Plan. A list of local professionals was needed to complete it, along with further support from Lincolnshire County Council Emergency Planning.
Clerk was asked to circulate the plan Action RP
15. The New Plant Yard that has been created on Thorpe Lane.
Comments were received regarding the storage of building materials and plant machinery in a field on Thorpe Lane opposite the new development.
Clarification was required to ensure this was a temporary storage facility until the development was completed. Clerk to contact planning dept at North Kesteven District Council to get a ‘must be completed by’ date Action RP
16. Items for the next agenda/Any other business.
The village hall committee were still awaiting a response from NKDC regarding the grant application to help install WiFi.
Concerns have been raised regarding the Village Hall and the running of it. Specifically, that the AGM wasn’t publicly advertised, accounts and/or minutes aren’t available to parishioners for discussion and/or support. There was also concern on the specifics of the set-up of the trustee board and how this works for the village.
A village resources committee was suggested to help both the Parish Council, playing field Committee & the Village Hall Committee plus any other village amenity Action RP
The Clerk was asked to contact the new owners of the Care Home and invite them to the next meeting to discuss any plans that may affect the village Action RP
17. Date & Time of the next meeting
Tuesday 26th March 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall
Meeting Closed at 9.25pm.