July 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 30th July 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.

Present – Councillors Martyn Jackson – Chair, Chris Patty, Jane Wallis, Michael Chennells & Dawn Warnock

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

District Councillor Peter Overton

Cllr Overton gave a brief overview of the proposed changes to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and potentially how this may impact on the parishes within the district. The main one highlighted was housing and numbers of new builds and where and when they would be built.

Cllr Appleby sent a report informing the parish that the Hill Holt Wood Sensory walks are to start up again due to their popularity. Leader of the council Cllr Richard Wright joined the delegation at the House of Lords in a bid to secure the Red Arrows future in the county.


1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received & accepted from Cllr Bottom & Cllr Campbell

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.


3. Police Report

Nothing received – see agenda item 12 regarding Anti-Social Behaviour.

4. Code of Conduct Training

The Clerk highlighted a few of the areas covered by North Kesteven Code of Conduct. To clarify the how the code was used and how it impacted on the Declaration of Interests form.

The Code of Conduct is split into parts, Part 1 is a List of Do’s & Don’ts surrounding behaviours. Part 2 covers the Declaration of Interests form and what should be registered. The Clerk advised what should/shouldn’t be listed on the DPI forms using scenarios of real situations.

5. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 25th June 2019 to be approved as minutes.

The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record All Agreed - signed by the Chairman.

6. Clerks Update

The Clerk confirmed that FOES would be holding an event at the Playing field on the 31st August 2019, a ‘freagle’ type event to include bands, bar, kids disco food ect .. With parking of vehicles on the field along with camping tents/vans overnight.

The Parish Council just need to see a copy of the public liability insurance for the event.

The Clerk made comment that she wasn’t able to set up a PO Box for the Parish Council as the nearest collection point was in the centre of Lincoln.

Cllr Warnock offered to look into a virtual address. Action DW

The Clerk commented that the old parish laptop was now clear of any information and was ready to be recycled, the cost being £25.00

The Clerk advised that she had taken a sample of old parish paperwork to be sorted and archived which had taken about an hour to complete – she guesstimated that it would take approx. 15 hours to complete the whole task at a cost of £200 to cover the Clerks’ extra hours.

It was Resolved to approve the increase in hours for the Clerk. Action RP

The Clerk confirmed that Electricity contract had been renewed for a further 12 months.

A response had been received from Lincolnshire County Council highways dept regarding the new kerb stones near the development on High Street/Swinderby Road, confirming that they were in the correction location and dimensions.

The Clerk made comment that the verge at Swinderby Station Carpark was very overgrown she had contacted Highways Dept to cut the hedge, but the request was refused. Cllr Chennells offered to help. Action MC

7. To authorise the signing of orders for payment & to note bank balances and any monies received.

The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed. Proposed by Cllr Jackson seconded by Cllr Patty.

The Following accounts were approved at the meeting







D Lyne





Eagle Village Hall





YU Energy (Direct debit)





YU Energy (Direct debit)





Opus energy





G Brown















Opus energy (direct debit)














Bank Balances

Parish Council – 31.06.2018 – £27,088.40

30.06.2019 - £27,560.54

Playing Field – 30.06.2018 - £5,264.40

30.06.2019 -£254.87

8. To agree the Bank Reconciliation & review the budget as at the 30.06.2019.

It was Resolved to approve the Bank reconciliation; The only amendment to the budget was the increase in the Clerks hours to cover archiving the parish records. The parish council were at 24% of target after the first quarter. Action RP

9. To consider the following planning applications

a. Change of use for Storage Yard (retrospective). Thorpe Lane, Eagle.

Ref – 19/0740/FUL.

The Parish Council ‘Objected’ to the application with the following comments.

With regard to the actual planning application, we consider that some of the answers submitted by the applicant are incorrect. The following relates to the application questions.

Question 7 - the answer should be YES; the applicant is applying to change grass land into a storage yard so will need materials to change this eg – tarmac has been laid for hard standing of plant.

Question 8 a – The answer should be YES: he has created 2 gateways with gates, one with tarmac entrance from Thorpe Lane

Question 9 – The answer should be YES: the transporters that deliver to the site have to park on a public highway so blocking the road when delivering/collecting heavy plant, workers attending the site park their vans on the roadway.

Question 10 b -The answer should be YES  referring to appeal case ref – APP/R2520/W/16/3164636 regarding the change of landscape (Reason numbers 3,4 & 6)

Question 12 – Please refer to the decision notice as per the application 16/0727/FUL, regarding the Bats and surrounding countryside.

Question 19 – This should be YES as transporters have been accessing the site daily including weekends and very early in the morning creating noise/inconvenience to the local residents before 7am.

The proposed change of use will have a significant adverse visual impact on the character and appearance of the countryside.  The site appears as part of the countryside and contributes considerably to the rural approach to and setting of the village.  The proposed scheme will constitute a significant visual intrusion to the detriment of the character and appearance of the area.  Approaching from the east, the storage yard will appear as an incongruous addition to the settlement incapable of being harmoniously integrated to the detriment of the setting of the village in the landscape and the character and appearance of the countryside. The proposed Change of use, therefore, poorly integrates with its surroundings and fails to consider the character of its setting in open countryside, representing an unsympathetic extension of the village. The overwhelming impression created by the proposal would be an urban form of development which fails to take account of its context at the edge of a village within an otherwise open rural setting.

The site is currently a field, mainly surrounded by other fields, and outside of the change of use boundary, it falls within the open countryside.

We think that substantial harm to the character and appearance of the village & area and consequent conflict with the local plan & neighbourhood plan policies, consideration should be given to the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside. The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan LP26 indicates that development should not extend existing linear features and should retain a tight village nucleus.

b. Demolition of conservatory and erection of orangery extension, a new standalone orangery, and erection of new 8 bed unit with offices/reception and change of use of land plus associated works.

Eagle Nursing Home, Lincoln Road, Eagle.

Ref – 19/0744/FUL

The Parish Council ‘Supported’ the application.

10. To review the Risk Management Policy.

It was Resolved to review & accept the policy with no amendments.

11. Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review

The Local plan is a set of rules that all councils must adhere to when deciding about planning. The board is a separate body of representatives from various councils/organisations that make the final decisions on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.

In the current plan there was a need to show a 5-year land supply. Although there have been many applications granted, a lot of the land has not actually been developed, therefore showing a shortfall in new properties

They have indicated 3 options regarding the housing numbers for the new plan.

To reset all growth levels to zero

100% growth threshold achieved could equal a lesser percentage growth allowance in the new plan

Extend the previous growth level to apply to the new plan period.

The new local plan is for 2018-2040 to be adopted in 2021

12. Playing Field Update – including

a. Antisocial Behaviour &

b. Access to the playing field at night.

The Clerk made comment that she had received a crime number from Lincolnshire Police – ECINS 256417 – as Eagle Playing field had been highlighted as a hotspot for Antisocial Behaviour (ASB). All reports logged under the above number can be accessed by NKDC environmental protection for noise and the local police for ASB.

Residents are urged to 101 report any incidents.

After discussions it was Resolved to approve the request from the PCSO to install posters at the park, prohibiting ball games at the park after 9pm. Action RP

Further discussions surrounding the installation of gates at the Playing Field Carpark, to be locked dusk till dawn. It was Resolved to approve the installation of gates; the Clerk was asked to obtain quotes for the project. Action RP

Comments were received regarding the safety of the goal posts in the MUGA they had been locked, damaged & broken on several occasions, therefore due to safety concerns that they may fall on somebody, It was Resolved to remove the goal posts, Cllr Wallis offered to organise the collection. Action JW

Cllr Wallis made comment that a new litter bin had been installed at the park by a local resident – Thanks were passed onto them. Action RP             

13. Roadside Speed Operation

Deferred to August meeting.                                                                                      

14. Neighbourhood Plan Update.

Nothing to report

15. Items for the next agenda/any other business

Cllr Chennells offered to strim around and paint the white entrance gates to the village, this was accepted and thanks passed on. Action MC

16. Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 27th August 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall

Meeting closed 9.40pm