March 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 26th March 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.

Present – Councillors Nigel Bottom – Vice Chair, Jane Wallis, Chris Patty, Michael Chennells, Colin Campbell, Dawn Warnock & Katy Thomas

Clerk - Rachel Popplewell

7 Members of the public.

The new owners of Eagle Care home, Hatzfeld Care Ltd, gave details of the renovations & development of the building, subject to a successful planning application, the home will have 12 bedrooms, incorporating wet rooms and disabled access on the ground floors along with communal areas. They are hoping for all the work to be completed and be ready to open January 2020.


1. Welcome & Apologies

Cllr Bottom Chaired the meeting

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Jackson, District Councillors Sally Appleby & Peter Rothwell & County Councillor Mike Thompson.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.


3. Police Report.

The Clerk was asked to report the mess/rubbish behind the church comprising of a tent, remains of a fire, litter and an exploded aerosol can on Tel 101, and also to ask about the monthly reports from the PCSO that have been missing from the last 3 Parish Council meetings Action RP

4. To Receive reports from County & District Councillors.

Nothing to report at the meeting.

Report received from Cllr Mike Thompson, via email is attached to the minutes.

5. Playing Field Update.

a. To discuss re-forming the Playing Field Committee


b. To consider the quotes for the repairs at the playing field.

The clerk made comment that she has received one quote for the repairs she was still awaiting a second, Cllr Wallis to contact. It was Resolved to accept the lowest quote, when the second quote is received to compare the prices

The parish council are still awaiting a date for the portacabin to be removed.

Action RP/JW

6. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26th February 2019 to be approved as minutes.

The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Cllr Chennells seconded by Cllr Wallis – All Agreed, signed by the Chair.

7. Clerks Update.

The clerk made comment that Highways Dept had been contacted, to consider installing a ‘STOP’ sign at the junction of Thorpe Lane & High Street, the request was refused as there hadn’t been any issues previously raised to warrant it being changed from a ‘Giveway’ sign.

The parish laptop had been given a MOT, no issues were found the main reason for it being slow was the age – may need to consider replacing next year.

The surface of the MUGA and under the play equipment had been cleaned – the parish council were pleased with the work.

The Clerk had made contact with Lincolnshire County Council regarding ‘finishing off’ of the surrounding areas after the gravel had been extracted at the sites local to the village. LCC were due to meet with Tarmac in April. Clerk to contact after then. Action RP

The issues regarding the increased traffic on Scarle Lane – the Clerk had been in contact Highways and Newark & Sherwood District Council. The outcome being that more specific information was required regarding the lorries; date, time, lorry firm name and registration number. Highways Dept advised that the issue be reported to Trading Standards. The Clerk was asked to re-contact Highways & NSDC to ask them liaise with each to seek a solution to the issue is not the specific vehicles using the road as they have full permission it is the fact that the direction of the vehicles have been moved from one ‘B’ road to the ‘C’ road leading into Eagle Village without it seems any consultation with Highways in Lincolnshire. A full explanation is to be asked for by Newark and Lincolnshire Highways with the upmost urgency.

Action RP

Due to a road closure at Thorpe on the Hill, drivers were finding alternative routes to the A46, one route via Eagle village & Eagle Barnsdale, the clerk highlighted this with Highways Dept. asking that any traffic calming measures that are put in at Thorpe on the Hill that the surrounding villages were also consulted as this may affect them indirectly. Clerk to liaise. Action RP

The Clerk had contacted the planning enforcement team at North Kesteven District Council, regarding the New Plant Yard that had been created on Thorpe Lane, the enforcement team were aware of it and had already written to the land owners and the developers, saying the equipment had to be removed once the development was completed. No completion date had been given.

The clerk was asked to re-contact planning & District Councillor Rothwell as further fencing and trees had been erected, the plant machinery located there has nothing to do with the development – they have changed the topography of the field. Action RP

After discussions surrounding the village hall committee and the running of the village hall, it was resolved that the Chair make contact with the committee and try to establish a more open means of communication to help preserve one of our best village assets Action MJ

8. To authorise the signing of the orders for payment & to note any income received.

The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed.







YU Energy (Direct Debit)





Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils





YU Energy (Direct Debit)





Graham M Brown




















Village Hall










Community Links





Open Plan Consultants





Opus Energy (direct debit)














Bank Balances

Parish Council

28.02.2018 - £ 15,749.66

28.02.2019 - £21,170.87

Playing Field

28.02.2018 - £5,918.60

28.02.2019 - £278.45

Accounts approved for payment

Domestic Rates bill has been received for Swinderby Station Carpark of £1178.40 but after Small Business Relief it is now NIL.

9. To Consider the following planning applications.

a. Erection of a double garage. Walnut Tree Cottage, Eagle Lane, Eagle Moor.

Ref – 19/0324/HOUS.

b. Erection of a double garage with storage room above. 6 Fledgling Close, Eagle.

Ref – 19/0366/HOUs

The parish council made ‘No Comment’ on either application.

10. To update the new bank mandate forms.

It was Resolved to update the new bank mandate. Two existing signatories were removed and one new one added. WEF from 1st May 2019.

11. Neighbourhood Plan Update

Cllr Campbell made comment that everything was in place for the community engagement event on Sunday 7th April. More volunteers were needed to walk the village to conduct the survey. The option tea & cakes being provided as a fund raiser for a local cause was suggested in a bid to get more people involved, and to remind the parishioners nearer the time. Action RP

The Clerk made comment that the invoices were still to be received from Open Plan as per the contract otherwise the grant monies would need to be returned. Cllr Campbell & the Clerk to chase. Action RP

12. Emergency Plan Update.

The Clerk made comment that the plan was nearly completed. A Team Leader & Assistant for the plan were now in place. A list of local tradesmen now needs to be added. The clerk was asked to contact Lindum Group to ask if this is something, they could help with. The plan then needs to go back to LCC emergency planning team for approval. Action RP

13. Items for the next agenda/Any other business.

Cllr Bottom offered to ‘look after’ the mobile speed sign and charge it up as required.

The clerk was asked to contact the Road Safety Partnership, to purchase some new ‘30mph’ signs to replace the broken ones around the village. Action RP

Two possible options for an internal auditor were suggested – Clerk to find out costs and availability for the next meeting Action RP

14. Date & Time of the next meeting

Tuesday 30th April 2019 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall Annual Parish Meeting, followed by the Parish Council Meeting

Meeting Closed at 8.50pm