January 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7.30pm.
This meeting was conducted via Zoom for safety reasons due to (Corona Virus) Covid19.
Present – Cllr Martyn Jackson – Chair, Cllr Jane Wallis – Vice Chair, Cllr Colin Campbell, Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton, Cllr Dawn Warnock, Cllr Nigel Bottom & Cllr David Parkes
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
District Councillor Overton
County Councillor Mike Thompson
1 Member of the public.
Cllr Overton made comment that two COVID Safety Ambassadors for NKDC have been funded by central Government for our area. We are again in our 3rd National Lockdown due to the current pandemic. Grants are available for businesses & applications can still be submitted to North Kesteven District Council.
North Kesteven District Council are considering the budgets for the next financial year, with a rise in council tax predicted.
Elections are scheduled for the Thursday 6th May 2021, with people able to vote in person at polling stations. It is worth applying for a postal vote. You can take it in to the polling station yourself on the day if you wish.
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apply-for-a-postal-vote There will be elections for Lincolnshire County Council and Police and Crime Commissioner for everyone in Lincolnshire. In addition, there are some Parish and Town Council elections, and some by-elections.
Cllr Thompson made comment that the Household Waste Recycling Centres are open as usual – but remember you have to book a timeslot via our LCC website. Highway teams will be out maintaining and improving our roads as normal, including gritting roads and repairing potholes. Where it is safe to do so, work will continue on our major development project and road building schemes around the County.
Shielding for the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) has returned, so our Public Health and Emergency Planning Teams are continuing to work with Partners at the Resilience Forum to help get residents the support they need. If residents need support during this, please remember our Covid-19 Helpline: 01522 782189, which is available 7 days a week.
With another Lockdown, many residents' businesses will have been affected. Business Lincolnshire can help support businesses to operate within government guidance or to access financial support or grants if needed. Contact www.businesslincolnshire.com
1. Welcome & Apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Councillor Chennells.
It was Resolved to accept the reason for absence from Cllr Chennells
The Chair passed his thanks onto Cllr Patty for her help during her time on the Council.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.
3. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st December 2020 to be approved as minutes.
The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record.
All Agreed – Via online meeting show of hands.
4. Notes of the Extra-Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to be approved as minutes.
The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record.
All Agreed – Via online meeting show of hands.
5. Clerks Update.
The Clerk made comment that she had been notified that the Hampden Plane Memorial plans had been approved. The parish council has been holding funds for the project (payment listed below). Once completed the memorial will be owned & insured by the Parish Council. The Clerk made comment that she had received a quote for the tree pruning – See Agenda item 6a.
The repeat inspection form for the playing field inspection had been received and returned.
The Clerk made comment that a group of volunteers had litter picked the surrounding areas/approach roads to the village. The Clerk was asked to forward Thanks onto the group from the Parish Council. Action Clerk.
6. Playing Field Update
a. To consider the quote to prune the trees at the playing field carpark.
The Clerk made comment that she had received a quote to prune the trees over the Carpark. The Parish Council had since received its Annual Inspection report for the Playing Field which had also highlighted the trees around the BMX track that would benefit from a canopy lift, the Clerk was asked to get a revised quote to include the additional works.
Action Clerk.
b. To Discuss the Play Inspection Report – previously circulated.
Cllr Campbell highlight the points that needed to be attended to, the Clerk was asked to get a quote for the works. Action Clerk. The Clerk had already contacted the contractor to clean the green moss from under the play area and clean the MUGA floor.
It was Resolved to approve a maximum cost of £400 to clean the moss – All Agreed, show of hands. Action Clerk
c. To consider the Grass Cutting quotes for the Playing Field for 2021/2022 season.
The Clerk made comment that she had received two quotes for the grass cutting. The Clerk was asked to confirm the existing contractor’s price for comparison. Action Clerk.
The Clerk and Cllr Wallis had recently reviewed the CCTV for the Carpark at the Playing Field due to the excessive amount of litter that had been left. As it was dark when the cars entered the carpark the CCTV pictures were unclear. The Clerk was asked to get a quote to install a security light to cover the carpark. Action Clerk
7. Finance –
a. To authorise the signing of orders for payment & to note bank balances and any monies received.
The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed. Proposed by Cllr Wallis seconded by Cllr Fulton-Sutton.
Cllr Wallis offered to approve the online payments. Action JW
The Following accounts were approved at the meeting.
Bank Balances
Parish Council – 30.11.2019 – £4,382.86
30.11.2020 - £2,409.60
Playing Field – 30.11.2019 - £323.82
30.11.2020 - £220.54
Savings Account £27,040.41
Holding Plane Memorial Funds £3,033.30
b. To review the budget as at 31.12.2020 & to approve the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.12.2020.
The Clerk made comment that the Parish Council was at 75% of budget as at 31.12.2020. (should be 75% at this stage of the year) no amendments were required.
It was Resolved to approve the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.12.2020.
c. To Resolve to discuss & approve the Precept for the financial year 2021/2022
After discussions it was Resolved to propose a Precept of £17,177 which is an increase of 2.42%. In monetary terms this is an increase of £1.40 on a band D property.
All Agreed – show of hands Action Clerk.
8. Possible Options for the £10,000 Small Business Grant & Retail, Hospitality & leisure Grant received from North Kesteven District Council.
The Chair made comment on the list of suggestions received. After discussions it was Resolved to purchase 4 speed signs one for each approach road into the village and to support the purchase of the story board for the Hampden Plane Memorial.
Clerk to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership & Memorial committee.
Action Clerk.
9. To Review the following policies.
a. Equality Policy
b. Donations & Grant Policy
c. The Emergency Plan.
It was Resolved to review the policies; no amendments were required. Cllr Parkes made comment that the names & numbers were up to date on the Emergency Plan. All Agreed – show of hands.
10. To Receive comments on the Cycling Strategy Consultation 2020.
Cllr Wallis had completed the form, then circulated for further comments to be added. Clerk to forward to North Kesteven District Council. Action Clerk
11. Website Update.
The Clerk & Cllr Warnock made comment that the new website was up and running after it had been updated by Lincolnshire County Council. The web pages now needed to be personalised with local photos and information. The Clerk to ask for photos (via Social Media) from the community that could be used on the website. Action Clerk
12. Items for the Next Agenda/Any other business
Neighbourhood Plan Update
Ways to increase revenue.
13. Date & Time of the Next Meeting
Tuesday 23rd February 2021 7.30pm.
Meeting closed 8.50pm