February 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 23rd February 2021 at 7.30pm.
This meeting was conducted via Zoom for safety reasons due to (Corona Virus) Covid19.
Present – Cllr Martyn Jackson – Chair, Cllr Jane Wallis – Vice Chair, Cllr Colin Campbell, Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton, Cllr Michael Chennells & Cllr David Parkes
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
District Councillors Overton & Appleby
County Councillor Mike Thompson
4 Members of the public.
Cllr Overton made comment that business COVID19 grants were still available from North Kesteven District Council.
Waste collections have re-started after being cancelled the previous week. Cllr Appleby made comment that Elections are scheduled for the Thursday 6th May 2021, with people able to vote in person at polling stations. It is worth applying for a postal vote. You can take it in to the polling station yourself on the day if you wish. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apply-for-a-postal-vote There will be elections for Lincolnshire County Council and Police and Crime Commissioner for everyone in Lincolnshire. In addition, there are some Parish and District Council elections.
Agenda Items.
1. Welcome & Apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Councillor Bottom & Warnock.
It was Resolved to accept the reasons for absence from Cllr Bottom & Cllr Warnock – All agreed.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and request for dispensations.
Received from Cllr Chennells agenda item 11b.
3. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th January 2021 to be approved as minutes.
The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record.
All Agreed – Via online meeting show of hands.
4. Clerks Update.
The Clerk made comment that the trees at the park had been pruned, along with the cleaning of the play ground floor to remove the moss. A Thankyou had been sent to the volunteer litter pickers – who had carried out an excellent job.
The Clerk made comment that both of the notice boards at the village hall needed sanding & painting – Clerk to ask the contractor who is carrying out the repairs at the playing field to add it to his list of jobs.
The Clerk asked for a new reference book as the current one is over 10years old at a cost of £150. Resolved to approve the request. Action Clerk
5. Playing Field Update
a. To consider the quotes to install at the Playing Field Carpark.
The Clerk made comment that 2 quotes had been received, after discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from Rob Whyles Electrical - All Agreed.
b. To consider the quotes to carry out the repairs at the Playing Field as per the Annual Inspection Report.
The Clerk made comment that 2 quotes had been received, after discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from Top Marks Property maintenance.
c. To approve the Grass Cutting quotes for the next financial year.
The clerk made comment that 2 quotes had been received, one being a revised quote from the existing contractor.
A majority vote in favour of Continental Landscapes was received.
Cllr Wallis objected to the outcome.
It was Resolved to accept the majority vote.
d. To Discuss upgrading the CCTV system to include remote access.
After discussions it was Resolved not to upgrade the CCTV, due to the risks involved in viewing the CCTV on councillors’ own devices. The CCTV policy states that viewing of any recording is to be undertaken by 2 councillors.
All Agreed – show of hands.
e. To consider installing new/additional bins.
After discussions it was Resolved not install any additional bins, signs and a map showing the locations of all the bins in the village was the preferred alternative. Action Clerk.
f. To consider the possibility of allotments for the village.
Deferred – more information was required to be considered, along with any other suggestion to raise revenue for the parish.
6. Personnel Committee.
a. To adopt the Terms of Reference.
The clerk made comment that the Personnel Committee would be responsible for any employment issues relating to the members of staff. This will also include appraisals and salary reviews.
It was Resolved to accept the Terms of Reference – All Agreed by show of hands.
b. To appoint members to the Personnel Committee.
The Chair asked for volunteers to be appointed to the committee.
Cllr Wallis, Cllr Campbell, Cllr Parkes & Cllr Fulton-Sutton volunteered.
It was Resolved to appoint all 4 Councillors to the committee.
The clerk made comment that the committee would need to meet before the 31st March 2021 as both salaries & appraisals were due before the year end.
Action personnel committee.
7. To consider the New Contractors Questionnaire.
Cllr Campbell was asked to review the questionnaire to modify it. Action CC
Deferred to the next meeting.
Cllr Jackson left the meeting 8.25pm
Cllr Wallis chaired the meeting from here.
8. To consider a contribution to the Village Hall for the Wi-Fi costs.
Cllr Parkes made comment that he had attended the AGM for the village hall, and was asked to convey their request of a contribution to the cost of the Wifi - approx. £50pm. Due to the COVID pandemic the income from hall bookings had been considerably reduced.
The Clerk made comment that she had forwarded details on for the second round of grant funding applications from the District Council.
After discussions it was Resolved to await the outcome of the 2nd grant application before considering any contribution, Clerk to advise. Action Clerk.
9. To resolve to renew the membership to Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils & to consider joining the annual training scheme for 2021/2022.
After discussions to was Resolved to renew the membership to LALC and also join the annual training scheme – All agreed – show of hands. The Clerk made comment that all of the training was now on zoom with courses available during the day & evening.
10. To authorise the signing of orders for payment & to note bank balances and any monies received.
The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed. Proposed by Cllr Wallis seconded by Cllr Fulton-Sutton.
Cllr Chennells offered to approve the online payments. Action MC
The Following accounts were approved at the meeting
Received from NKDC for the Hampden Plane Memorial £1000
Bank Balances
Parish Council – 31.01.2020 – £1,303.22
31.01.2021 - £6,144.32
Playing Field – 31.01.2020 - £280.14
31.01.2021 - £206.29
Savings Account £22,040.41
11. To consider the following planning applications.
It was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment to the following applications – All Agreed.
a. Conversion of a 2-storey barn to a separate dwelling. Sycamore House, Southern Lane Eagle Barnsdale. Ref – 20/1786/FUL
b. Erection of replacement cart shed/barn to form single dwelling. Prestons farm, Eagle Hall. Ref – 20/0974/FUL.
c. Redevelopment of adjacent agricultural land for amenity space & parking (retrospective). Eagle House Residential Care Home, Lincoln.
Ref – 20/1804/FUL
It was Resolved to ‘Support’ the following applications – All Agreed.
d. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing use or operation or activity – Equestrian Centre, Showground & Ancillary uses associated with equestrian use – including training, showing, eventing, livery, stabling equine care, grazing riding & training clubs ect.
White House, Eagle Lane, Eagle Moor – Ref – 21/0098/LDEXI
e. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use or operation – 12 No. Stables in Equestrian Centre, Showground & ancillary uses associated with equestrian use – including livery, stabling, equine care ect.
White House, Eagle Lane, Eagle Moor. Ref – 21/0107/LDEXI
f. Conversion of garage/workshop to form 1no new dwelling (resubmission of 20/0561/FUL)
Garage rear of Old Eagle Garage Scarle Lane. Ref -20/1427/FUL.
g. To received comments regarding hedge removal planning ref – 15/0620/FUL
The Clerk was asked to contact the Planning Enforcement Officer regarding the removal of the hedge for the above application, to ensure that condition 4 of the decision notice was still being complied with. Action Clerk.
12. To consider quotes for the new Parish Council laptop & Microsoft Office package.
The Clerk made comment that she had received 3 quotes for the new laptop. After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote for the Intel i5 11th gen £599 plus a Microsoft package of £59.99 Action Clerk.
13. Update regarding the site visit for the installation of the new Speed Signs.
Cllr Campbell made comment that he had met with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP)and carried out the site visit, all 4 entrances to the village would be acceptable locations for the new speed signs. New posts would need to be installed for 3 of the sites, 4th one to use an existing post, Costs of the posts £200 each to install.
Installation of the speed signs within the 40mph speed limit was not viable, after consultation with LRSP. Clerk to contact LRSP and get an UpToDate cost for the whole project. Action Clerk
14. Swinderby Station to include
a. Update on the Flooding
Cllr Mike Thompson had met with Cllr Chennells to view the site to then relay the information back to Lincolnshire Highways. The Flooding caused by the blocked culvert on the land owned by Network Rail was unacceptable as it was impossible to access the station platform from the Carpark. Cllr Thompson had enlisted the County Highways Manager (Richard Fenwick) to help. Network Rail will carry out the repairs but as yet no time frame has been given.
b. Railway Crossing.
The crossing at Swinderby Station is being upgraded to automatic barriers, the Signal Box will be made redundant because of this. Cllr Wallis & Cllr Chennells had attended a meeting to discuss the future of the signal box, a number of options were suggested. After discussions the preferred option from the Parish Council would be for it to be moved to a Heritage Site. Resolved to accept the preferred option – All agreed.
15. Items for the Next Agenda/Any other business
Neighbourhood Plan Update
Ways to increase revenue.
16. Date & Time of the Next Meeting
Tuesday 30th March 2021 7.30pm.
Meeting closed 9.20pm