November 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 30th November 2021 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr Campbell – Chairman, Cllr’s Wallis – Vice Chairman, Parkes, Brown, Fulton-Sutton, Parkin & Chennells.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk.
4 members of staff from Eagle House Residential Care Home
County Councillor, Mike Thompson
2 members of public.
Public Comment
Comments were received from the Care Home representatives adding that the Care Quality Commission inspection had been carried out, with no issues highlighted in the report. Should any residents wish to discuss the report they were asked to email or ring the care home.
They extended their invitation to the parish council to come and visit the home in the new year, to meet the residents and the other members of staff.
The Chairman thanked them for attending and addressing the issues over the previous couple of months. They were invited to attend parish council meetings on a more regular basis along with any of the care home residents.
Cllr Mike Thompson highlighted an NHS survey regarding Lincolnshire Community Diagnostics Clinics – Phase 1. To complete the survey please use the link below
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and Apologies.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Bottom.
It was Resolved to accept the apology & reason for absence – All Agreed.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None Received.
3. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th October 2021 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All Agreed.
Signed by the Chairman.
4. Clerks Update & Correspondence and to Resolve to agree any subsequent actions.
The Clerk made comment that Cllr Campbell had downloaded the Information from the speed sign on Eagle Moor which showed that 87.93% of inbound traffic & 80% of outbound traffic travelled at 40mph or less. The clerk was asked to share the information to the website.
Action Clerk.
The Clerk made comment that the photos & bio’s of all the councillors were now on the website. The existing contractor that cleans the moss from under the play equipment is unable to clean the graffiti from the side of the garage & picnic bench. Clerk was asked to try and source another contractor to get it cleaned off.
Action Clerk.
Cllr Parkes confirmed that he had removed the nets from the MUGA as they were beyond repair. The Clerk made comment that she had returned the annual reporting form for the Community Infrastructure Levy received by the parish council during the year 2020/2021.
A Copy of the electoral register was requested by Cllr Chennells.
5. Finance
a. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
It was Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed.
Cllr Chennells to approve the payments online
Action MC.
Date |
Name |
Net |
Total |
06.11.2021 |
Fasthosts |
£1.00 |
£0.20 |
£1.20 |
30.11.2021 |
Eagle Village Hall |
£18.00 |
£18.00 |
30.11.2021 |
Continental Landscapes |
£151.44 |
£30.29 |
£181.73 |
30.11.2021 |
YU Energy (direct debit) |
£20.20 |
£1.01 |
£21.21 |
30.11.2021 |
YU Energy (direct debit) |
£138.51 |
£6.93 |
£145.44 |
30.11.2021 |
M J Flower |
£380.00 |
£76.00 |
£456.00 |
30.11.2021 |
£27.60 |
£27.60 |
30.11.2021 |
Opus energy (direct debit) |
£9.79 |
£0.49 |
£10.28 |
30.11.2021 |
Salaries |
£471.90 |
£471.90 |
Total |
£1218.44 |
£114.92 |
£1333.36 |
Bank Accounts at 31.10.2021 Bank Accounts at 31.10.2020
Current Account – £2,349.75 Current Account - £2,535.56
Playing Field Ac - £103.89 Playing Field - £227.67
Savings Ac - £22,063.48
The Clerk was asked to contact the open spaces contractor regarding the hedge trimming at Swinderby station car park, as it hadn’t been done as per the quotation once complete payment will be sent thereafter.
Action Clerk.
b. Precept considerations for 2022/2023
The Clerk made comment that the precept would need to be agreed during the January meeting, a possible budget for 2022/2023 had been circulated prior to the meeting & then discussed.
The councillors were asked to submit any requests for next year’s budget, prior to the next meeting.
Action All Councillors.
6. Playing Field discussions to include.
a. Painting of the equipment.
The Clerk was asked to contact the previous contractor to get a date in the diary for the start of next year for the works to be carried out.
Action Clerk.
b. Kitchen block renovations.
Standing orders were suspended to allow the member of public to join the discussions regarding the kitchen renovations.
After discussions the following points would need to be considered as a starting point for the project.
- Possible future uses for the building, ideas to come from residents.
- To get plans drawn up.
- Possible funding options can then be considered.
The member of the public was happy to be involved in the project and help with the grant applications.
c. To consider the quote for an accompanied visit for the annual inspection.
The Clerk made comment that the cost of the accompanied visit would be £45 + VAT.
After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote – All agreed, show of hands. The clerk was asked to get a couple of dates for the inspection and circulate.
Action Clerk.
d. To discuss the protocol of dogs on/off leads at the playing field
After discussions Cllr Wallis offered to repost the graphic on social media regarding dogs on leads.
Action JW.
7. Eagle Village Hall Update.
Cllr Parkes made comment that the Village Hall Committee had put forward a few ideas for refurbishing the hall, new tables & chairs, and cleaning of the carpet.
8. Policies.
a. To review the Social Media Policy, to incorporate responses to online comments.
After discussions it was Resolved amend the policy, revised copy to be added to the website.
b. To consider & adopt a Training Development Policy.
The Chair made comment that the Clerk was doing her CiLCA course, which is a recognised qualification for Council Clerks, through Witham St Hughs Parish Council.
Both councils will benefit from the course and knowledge gained, the Chairman proposed that Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council contribute to half of the costs for the course, seconded by Cllr Parkes. It was Resolved to accept the proposal.
The Chairman made additional comment that training for councillors is essential to enable them to carry out their roles competently, he proposed that the Training & Development policy previously circulated be adopted.
After discussions it was Resolved to adopt the policy – All agreed show of hands, with Councillors encouraged to look at the current list of training available.
9. To discuss the option of Allotments for the village.
The Clerk was asked to source information & costs to set up new allotment plots in the village.
Action Clerk.
10. Update regarding the new Memorial.
Cllr Wallis made comment that the new ‘Hampden Plane Memorial’ was being constructed, the concrete base had been installed, just waiting for the memorial to be erected. A dedication is planned for the 13.02.2022 which would be 80 years to the day that the plane went down.
11. Facebook usage update.
Cllr Brown made comment that the Facebook page had, had
6 new ‘likes’ up 50%
Engagement 37 down by 33%
Page views 527 up 20%.
12. Items for the next agenda.
Parish Land for rent.
13. Date & time of next meeting
Tuesday 21st December 2021 at 7.30pm
Meeting Closed at 9.30pm.