October 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th October at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr Campbell – Chairman, Cllr’s Wallis – Vice Chairman, Parkes, Brown & Fulton-Sutton.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk.
2 members of staff from Eagle House Residential Care Home
County Councillor, Mike Thompson
District Councillor, Cllr Peter Overton
15 members of public.
Public Comment.
Comments were received regarding the residents of Eagle House Residential Care Home; concerns were highlighted to the two managers that attended the meeting regarding the behaviour of their residents in and around the village. No further incidents had been reported since the last meeting in September. They confirmed that an inspection had taken place and that the report would be available at the next parish council meeting in November.
There are now 12 residents living at the home. The Chair asked that in future any questions regarding the home be sent in prior to the meeting via email to Kiri.
Email addresses :-
A resident from Eagle Moor made comment that he would like the section of road from Eagle village to Back Lane be reduced to 30mph. The parish council have recently installed a speed indicator sign along that section of road. The data from the camera would need to be extracted & reviewed, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership would need to carry out a traffic monitoring survey, before presenting the information to Lincolnshire Highways Dept, the main issue highlighted - being how the reduction in the speed limit would be policed.
Action CC
Cllr Mike Thompson made comment that there are several consultations out for comments to be received on – the closure of Grantham Hospital, https://sosgranthamhospital.org.uk/NHS Services consultation - https://www.lincolnshire.nhs.uk
Lincolnshire Transport Plan consultation - LCC has announced a six-week consultation on a countywide plan for transport which went live today (20th October). Details of the consultation documents and ability to respond can be found at: www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/local-transport-plan any comments would be welcomed.
To contact Cllr Thompson please email - cllrm.thompson@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Cllr Peter Overton made comment that Natasha’s Law had now been passed, regarding the labelling and listing of ingredients on food packaging on pre-packaged food for direct sales.
Cllr Overton also made comment regarding the purple lidded bins, overall, they had been a success, with only a small percentage not being emptied, due to wrong items in them.
To contact Cllr Overton please email - Cllr_Peter_Overton@n-kesteven.gov.uk
public comment closed at 8pm.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and Apologies.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Bottom & Cllr Chennells.
It was Resolved to accept the apology & reason for absence – All Agreed.
Apologies were also received from District Councillor Appleby.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None Received.
3. To resolve to fill by co-option the Parish Councillor vacancy.
Mr David Parkins’ letter of interest had been forwarded to the Parish Councillors prior to the meeting.
Cllr Campbell proposed to co-opt Mr Parkin on to the Parish Council, Seconded by Cllr Wallis. A majority vote in favour of the co-option was received.
Mr Parkin then signed his Acceptance of Office form; he could then participate in the meeting.
The Chair welcomed Cllr Parkin to the Parish Council & the meeting.
Cllr Parkin was asked to return his Declaration of Interests form with 28days to the Clerk.
Action Cllr Parkin.
4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 28th September 2021 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All Agreed.
Signed by the Chairman.
5. Clerks Update & Correspondence
The Clerk made comment that the councillors still needed to send in their bios and a photo to be added to the website.
Action Councillors.
The poppy wreath had been received for Cllr Parkes to lay during the Remembrance Day service. The contractor had been instructed to clear the weeds at the station carpark.
The clerk was asked to instruct Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to carry out a traffic monitoring survey.
Action Clerk
The graffiti at the playing field was still to be removed, the Clerk was asked to re-contact the contractor.
Action Clerk.
6. Finance.
a. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
It was Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed.
Cllr Wallis to approve the payments online
Action JW.
Date |
Name |
Net |
Total |
26.10.2021 |
Fasthosts |
£1.00 |
£0.20 |
£1.20 |
26.10.2021 |
YU Energy (Direct Debit) |
£19.42 |
£0.97 |
£20.39 |
26.10.2021 |
Continental Landscapes |
£262.88 |
£52.58 |
£315.46 |
26.10.2021 |
£982.42 |
£982.42 |
26.10.2021 |
YU Energy (Direct Debit) |
£119.65 |
£5.98 |
£125.63 |
26.10.2021 |
Eagle Village Hall |
£18.00 |
£18.00 |
26.10.2021 |
Salaries |
£420.42 |
£420.42 |
26.10.2021 |
£43.00 |
£43.00 |
26.10.2021 |
Royal British Legion |
£50.00 |
£50.00 |
26.10.2021 |
Eagle Eye |
£150.00 |
£150.00 |
26.10.2021 |
Opus Energy |
£9.46 |
£0.47 |
£9.93 |
Total |
£2076.25 |
£60.20 |
£2136.45 |
Bank Accounts at 30.09.2021 Bank Accounts at 30.09.2020
Current Account – £4,201.27 Current Account - £3,394.08
Playing Field Ac - £126.39 Playing Field - £234.41
Savings Ac - £22,063.48
b. To receive the bank reconciliation as at 30.09.2021.
The bank reconciliation was presented to council, showing the accounts balanced.
c. To review the budget as at 30.09.2021
The Clerk made comment that the Parish Council was at 40% of target for the first half of the year. No amendments were required.
7. To review the following policies.
b. Health & Safety Policy
c. Pay Policy
After discussion it was Resolved adopt the policies after reviewing them.
All agreed, show of hands.
8. Playing Field discussions to include.
a. Painting of the equipment.
The Clerk made comment that the re-painting of the play equipment was still to be carried out. Cllr Campbell offered to contact.
Action CC
b. Kitchen Block renovations.
The Clerk made comment that a resident had offered to submit a grant application on behalf of the parish council but plans and quotes would need to be received beforehand. A request would be put on the Facebook page for an architect to draw up plans.
Action LB
Cllr Wallis made comment that the floor under the play equipment would need to be cleaned and the moss removed, along with the surface of the MUGA.
The Clerk was asked to find out the date of the ROSPA inspection, so one of the councillors could join them on the walk round.
Action Clerk
Cllr Parkes offered to inspect the nets in the MUGA to check their condition.
Action DP
9. To consider the following planning application.
a. Proposed erection of 6 no. holiday lodges within existing leisure park. Camp site, Oink End, Herby Lane, Swinethorpe Ref – 21/1500/FUL.
After discussions it was Resolved to submit ‘no comment’ to the application.
10. Eagle Village Hall Update
Cllr Parkes made comment that the committee had agreed to refurbish the stage area.
The village hall roof was due to be inspected.
11. Update regarding the new Memorial.
Cllr Wallis made comment that the new ‘Hampden Plane Memorial’ was being constructed and due to be installed before Christmas 2021, with a dedication planned for the 13.02.2022 which would be 80 years to the day that the plane went down.
The Clerk was asked to put the information on the website.
Action Clerk.
12. Items for the next agenda.
13. Date & time of next meeting
Tuesday 30th November 2021 at 7.30pm
Meeting Closed at 9.15pm.