September 2021 MInutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 28 September at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr Campbell – Chairman, Cllr’s Chennells, Brown & Fulton-Sutton.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk.
Joanne Jones (Finance Director) Hatzfeld Care
John Weldrick (Care Director) Hatzfeld Care
15 members of public.
Public Comment.
Comments were received regarding the residents of Eagle House Residential Care Home; concerns were highlighted to the two directors that attended the meeting regarding the behaviour of their residents in and around the village.
The directors were aware of a couple of incidents that had taken place, regarding a broken window and alcohol being purchased & consumed from the shop. They were not aware of an incident that had taken place in the pub, where a care home resident had to be escorted back to the home by a local resident as the staff at the home were unable to be contacted.
John Weldrick confirmed that all residents of the home had, had risk assessments carried out by social services prior to moving to the home, with no resident deemed as a threat to the community. The incident regarding a broken window was on the back of an emergency admission. Mr Weldrick confirmed that no further emergency admissions would be accepted from now.
An independent inspection of the home will be carried out by Lincolnshire County Council on the 15th October 2021, the report will be shared with the parish council & local residents at the next meeting if available (If not at the November meeting).
Mr Weldrick confirmed that all formal complaints are investigated and forwarded onto the Directors of the home, he asked that any future complaints/comments be sent in via email to the manager of the home and for him to be copied in.
Joannes Jones confirmed that herself, John Weldrick and Kiri Abrahams (manager of Eagle House) would attend the next meeting with Kiri nominated to attend parish council meetings from now on.
Email addresses :-
public comment closed at 8.30pm.
There were no comments received from the County or District Councillors.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and Apologies.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Bottom, Cllr Wallis & Cllr Parkes.
It was Resolved to accept the apology & reason for absence – All Agreed.
Apologies were also received from District Councillor Overton & County Councillor Mike Thompson.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None Received.
3. Discussions around Eagle House Residential Care Home and to agree any subsequent actions.
Please see notes above.
Clerk to advise Hatzfeld Care of the parish council meeting dates.
4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 31st August 2021 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All Agreed.
Signed by the Chairman.
5. Clerks Update & Correspondence
The Clerk made comment that the bank mandate had been updated, new signatories added, and two councillors removed, due to them resigning.
A valuation had been received for the War Memorial of £89,000 rebuild costs – this had been conveyed to the insurance company and the asset register updated.
Cllr Parkes made comment that the village hall committee had received quote to revamp the stage area in the hall – this would hopefully be voted for. The clerk had offered the Village Hall Committee a ‘tab’ on the parish council website, but this offer hasn’t been accepted as yet.
The Clerk was asked to email the committee as the guttering is still leaking over the notice boards at the front of the hall.
The Chair made comment that the names of all the Parish Council didn’t appear on the website, the Councillors were asked to submit a photo & a small bio about themselves to be put on the website.
Action All Councillors.
6. Finance.
a. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
It was Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed.
Cllr Chennells to approve the payments online Action MC.
Date |
Name |
Net |
Total |
28.09.2021 |
Fasthosts |
£1.00 |
£0.20 |
£1.20 |
28.09.2021 |
YU Energy (Direct Debit) |
£19.15 |
£0.96 |
£20.11 |
28.09.2021 |
Continental Landscapes |
£222.88 |
£44.58 |
£267.46 |
28.09.2021 |
M J Flower |
£100.00 |
£20.00 |
£120.00 |
28.09.2021 |
Opus Energy (Direct Debit) |
£30.08 |
£1.50 |
£31.58 |
28.09.2021 |
YU Energy (direct Debit) |
£112.18 |
£5.61 |
£117.79 |
28.09.2021 |
Signs Express |
£34.75 |
£6.95 |
£41.70 |
28.09.2021 |
£105.00 |
£21.00 |
£126.00 |
28.09.2021 |
E-on |
£136.26 |
£27.25 |
£163.51 |
28.09.2021 |
Salaries |
£452.90 |
£452.90 |
28.09.2021 |
£43.00 |
£43.00 |
28.09.2021 |
Eagle Village Hall |
£19.15 |
£19.15 |
Total |
£1276.35 |
£128.05 |
£1404.40 |
Bank Accounts at 31.08.2021 Bank Accounts at 31.08.2020
Current Account – £6,573.08 Current Account - £11,068.09
Playing Field Ac - £135.47 Playing Field - £241.52
Savings Ac - £22,063.48
7. To consider the renewal quotes for the Parish Council Insurance.
Three quotes were considered by the Parish Council, after discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from BHIB, on a 3-year Long Term Agreement. This years’ premium being £982.42.
Action Clerk
8. Remembrance Day plans & to Resolve to purchase a poppy wreath.
After discussions it was Resolved to purchase a poppy wreath to the value of £50, to be laid during the Remembrance Day service.
Action Clerk.
9. To consider the quote to spray & clear the Swinderby Station carpark.
One quote had been received from the grass cutting contractor of £450.00.
It was Resolved to accept the quote – All agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk
10. To review the following policies.
a. Social Media
b. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
c. Communications Policy.
After discussion it was Resolved adopt the policies, a slight amendment was required to the Social Media Policy. All agreed, show of hands.
11. To receive report from the Litter Picker.
The Clerk read out a report from the Litter Picker, saying that on the whole litter in the village wasn’t too bad, the worst area being Scarle Lane.
The litter picker highlighted that there was graffiti on one of the picnic benches & on the side of the ‘garage’ building that need to be removed.
The Clerk was asked to get a quote to get the graffiti removed.
Action Clerk
12. Playing Field discussions to include.
a. Painting of the equipment.
The Clerk made comment that she was waiting on the contractor to come back and repaint the play equipment after the children had gone back to school, as yet no date had been received for the painting to be carried out.
The Clerk was asked to contact again
Action Clerk
b. Kitchen Block renovations.
A volunteer has come forward to offer their help, after the renovations project had been advertised on the Facebook Page.
Clerk to contact and invite to the next meeting.
Action Clerk.
The Chair made comment that he had put up the new signs at the MUGA, regarding noise levels. No further Action will be taken at this time regarding the broken fencing at the playing field. Cllr Campbell offered to try and repair the fence.
Action CC & LB
The Clerk was asked to report a broken grit bin on Scarle Lane and the overhanging hedges on Thorpe Lane via ‘Fixmystreet’.
Action Clerk
13. Items for the next Agenda.
Grant Applications for the Kitchen Block renovations.
14. Date & time of next meeting
Tuesday 26th October 2021 at 7.30pm
It was RESOLVED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the following items.
1. Litter Picker Appointment.
The Chair made comment that the Litter Picker had completed a successful probationary period, he proposed that the position be made permanent, seconded by Cllr Fulton-Sutton.
It was Resolved to confirm the position as permanent.
Clerk to confirm in writing
Action Clerk.
Meeting Closed at 9.30pm.