May 2021 Minutes APM

Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Annual Parish Meeting, held on Tuesday 4 May 2021 at 7.30pm
The meeting was held on zoom due to COVID19 restrictions.
Present Cllr Jane Wallis – Vice Chair, Cllr Fulton-Sutton, Cllr Parkes, Cllr Campbell & Cllr Chennells.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome
Cllr Wallis Chaired the meeting.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Annual Parish Meeting.
2. Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 30 April 2019 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed signed by the Chairman.
3. To receive the Chairman’s Annual Report.
The Clerk read the Chairman’s report below in his absence.
I start this report by saying that at no point did we ever think we would live through a pandemic in our lifetime. However, the parish and community came together to look after each other when it mattered and ensure we got through this as safely as we could. The community spirit shown was of the highest order and key members of the parish played a big part in making sure others had what they needed, such as food and supplies etc.
The parish council had to change the way we worked and are now very familiar with Zoom and Teams!! We are very good at holding meetings online with someone’s dog barking in the background!
We have remained determined to ensure matters that affected the parish were dealt with swiftly and monthly meetings remained in place. It is hoped that we will see some speed signs within the parish shortly, ensuring a safe environment for everyone.
On-going maintenance has taken place at the playing field and security has been reviewed and addressed accordingly with the insulation of security cameras.
It is hoped that some form of normality will return to us all soon and the parish council remains committed to providing the best possible outcomes for us all.
4. No District Councillor reports were received.
County Councillor Mike Thompson sent a report, read by The Clerk.
Lincolnshire County Council - Eagle & Hykeham West Annual Report 2021
Lincolnshire County Council is now in the Pre-Election period before the Election of a new full Council on 6th May. Whilst postal votes have been encouraged, Polling Stations will be open under Covid safe conditions.
The final meeting of the current Council was held remotely on Friday 16th April and was an informal meeting to thank councillors who will not be seeking re-election.
The last year has been a very different and difficult one for us all, but Officers and staff working for the County Council have adapted to the challenges and maintained essential services, with additional community support provided where needs have been identified.
The beginning of the council year in April brought in changes in management arrangements and Highways contracts. Although the effects of these have been delayed by the pandemic, they are beginning to work through, and local managers have been keen to work with communities to understand local issues. Perhaps not in the way we would have hoped by having face to face meetings, but hopefully these will be possible in the not-too-distant future. A major achievement was the completion of the Lincoln Eastern By-Pass. Agreement to move forward on the final phase with the North Hykeham relief road project is also very welcome.
County Public Health has been very much involved with measures to protect residents. Covid19 measures have been a priority with regular advice and updates from the Director and colleagues in initiating these and more recently in support of the NHS vaccination programme. Where appropriate, however, Health Scrutiny has continued to hold the NHS in Lincolnshire to account.
Other initiatives over the last year have seen environmental issues given priority with the development and publication of LCC Green Master Plan and measures put in place within the council to review activities and to reduce the carbon footprint. A new fleet of Scania Fire Appliances has been commissioned to provide the most modern and fuel efficient in the country.
I hope this report gives an indication of how the County Council has continued working over the last year. There have been serious effects on ways in which this has been carried out, but opportunities have arisen to reflect and adapt to move forward more effectively in the future.
5. No questions from the public were received.
Meeting Closed 7.40pm