March 2022 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr Colin Campbell – Chairman, Cllr Jane Wallis – Vice Chair, Cllr David Parkes, Cllr Liv Brown, Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton, Cllr David Parkin, Cllr Michael Chennells & Cllr Bernadette Grayston
2 members of public.
Comments were received from a member of the public regarding Fly Tipping on the approach road to the village. The Clerk was asked to contact Tarmac & Cllr Appleby about them clearing the rubbish from their sites.
The Clerk was asked to remind the litter picker that the bins at the park needed to be emptied more often.
Action Clerk.
Thanks were received from the member of public who organised the Hampden Plane memorial, confirmation was required as to who would maintain the Chain, posts & story board associated with the memorial.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and Apologies.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from The Clerk & Cllr Overton
The Chairman made comment that he received Cllr Nigel Bottoms resignation from the council. The Chairman & Council passed on their thanks for his tenure on the council and the playing field committee.
A vacancy notice has been raised by NKDC.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None Received.
3. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd February 2022 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All Agreed, show of hands.
Signed by the Chairman.
4. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to agree any subsequent actions.
Cllr Wallis made comment that the Non-Domestic Rates bill for 2022/2023 – Zero rated, had been received.
The appointed contractors have tried twice to remove the graffiti from the garage, the remaining paint could not be removed.
Cllr Wallis made comment that the Clerk she is trying to arrange a meet & greet at Eagle House Residential Care home, but to no avail. The Clerk was asked to invite the manager & directors to the meeting in April to discuss the last inspection report and to discuss their out of hours policy.
Action Clerk.
5. Finance
a. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
It was Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed.Date
Date |
Name |
Net |
Total |
22.03.2022 |
YU Energy (Direct Debit) |
£19.03 |
£0.95 |
£19.98 |
22.03.2022 |
YU Energy (Direct Debit) |
£145.97 |
£7.30 |
£153.27 |
22.03.2022 |
Eagle Village Hall |
£18.00 |
£18.00 |
22.03.2022 |
E-on |
£136.26 |
£27.25 |
£163.51 |
22.03.2022 |
Fast hosts |
£1.00 |
£0.20 |
£1.20 |
22.03.2022 |
Opus Energy |
£9.17 |
£0.46 |
£9.63 |
22.03.2022 |
PE Dickinson |
£375.00 |
£375.00 |
22.02.2022 |
£27.60 |
£27.60 |
22.02.2022 |
Salaries |
£475.26 |
£475.26 |
Total |
£1207.29 |
£36.16 |
£1243.45 |
Cllr Wallis & Cllr Parkes to approve the payments online
Action JW & D Parkes.
Bank Accounts at 28.02.2022 Bank Accounts at 28.02.2021
Current Account – £4,538.82 Current Account - £4,226.07
Playing Field Ac - £162.32 Playing Field - £192.55
Savings Ac - £16,968.27 Savings - £22,059.72
6. Playing Field Update to include:
a. To discuss the Inspection Report
Deferred to the next meeting.
7. To resolve to approve the quotes for the painting of the entrance gates into the village.
3 quotes were considered for the painting of the gates, after discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from R Woodhead.
Action Clerk.
8. Eagle Village Hall Update.
The Clerk was asked to confirm to the Village Hall Committee that the Parish Council would be responsible for the chain & posts around the new War Memorial.
Action Clerk.
Future ownership of the story board was still to be clarified, Clerk to contact the village hall committee.
Action Clerk.
9. To discuss the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Cllr Brown offered to help co-ordinate the celebrations along with a group of volunteers from the village.
Action Cllr Brown.
10. To review the following policies.
a. Community Engagement
b. Accessibility Statement
c. Privacy Notice.
After discussions to was Resolved to accept and adopt all 3 policies.
11. To Resolve to agree to sign the new 5-year FBT Agreement for the parish field at Eagle Barnsdale.
After discussions it was Resolved to sign the agreement between Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council and Mr A Roe.
Action Clerk.
12. To consider the following planning applications.
a. Change of use of stable barn & office to car sale/storage business.
The Office, The Jungle, Harby Lane, Eagle Moor. Ref- 22/0146/FUL
After discussion the parish council Resolved to object to the application with the following comments ‘Traffic management concerns were raised, regarding the delivery of vehicles and transporter lorries on a narrow road’
b. Change of use from agricultural land to Livery Stables and the erection of no2 stabled blocks.
The Willows, Southern Lane, Eagle Barnsdale. Ref 22/0154/FUL.
After discussion it was Resolved to support the application.
13. To consider new email addresses for the parish council and the costs involved to set them up.
Deferred to the next meeting for further information to be collated.
14. Facebook Usage update.
The outcome of the poll regarding the building at the playing field was to ‘Renovate it’.
15. Items for the next agenda.
Queens Platinum Jubilee
16. Date & time of next meeting
Wednesday 27th April 2022 at 7.30pm.
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public under the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960.
The Parish Council Resolved to move into closed session.
a. To consider the Tenders received for the parish council field located on Eagle Moor.
Two Tenders had been received for consideration.
After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from R & CW Battersby. All agreed – show of hands.
Clerk to contact the land agent to raise the required paperwork.
Action Clerk.
Meeting Closed at 9pm.