April 2022 Minutes

Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 27th April 2022 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr Colin Campbell – Chairman, Cllr Jane Wallis – Vice Chair, Cllr David Parkes, & Cllr Bernadette Grayston.
Rachel Popplewell – Parish Clerk
3 members of public.
2 managers from Eagle House Residential Care Home.
Comments were received from the members of the public regarding re-occurring incidents involving the residents of Eagle House Care Home, that were affecting their home lives. The managers offered their apologies and reassured the residents that full risk assessments were carried out before the residents move into the home, they are constantly in touch with all the relevant agencies. The Chair asked that the care home managers attend the next meeting of the council along with the directors.
Cllr Overton made comment that he had circulated his annual report detailing the successes of the previous year. He encouraged councillor’s and residents to look at the draft version of the local plan for our area.
Cllr Thompson highlighted that Wildlife Grants were available to the parish council to protect, improve or promote wildlife & promote access to and enjoyment of the countryside.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and Apologies.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cllr Chennells, Cllr Parkin, Cllr Fulton-Sutton & Cllr Brown. It was Resolved to accept the apology & reasons for absence – All agree, show of hands.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None Received.
3. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All Agreed, show of hands.
Signed by the Chairman.
4. To Resolve to accept the General Power of Competence (GPC).
The Chair made comment that the Clerk had recently passed her CiLCA qualification, this now allowed the council to accept GPC.
The Clerk confirmed that the council met the criteria, being that 2/3rds of the council were elected on at the last election in May 2019 and that the Clerk holds the relevant qualification.
It was Resolved to accept GPC – all agreed – show of hands.
5. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to agree any subsequent actions.
The Clerk made comment that the Bollards at the station carpark have been damaged and half knocked over, they would either need to be repaired or removed. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Chennells regarding their current location & why they were installed, then get quotes to remove them.
Action Clerk.
The Clerk gave an update regarding the ‘S’ bend on Thorpe Lane, Lincolnshire Highways confirmed that they have forwarded the request for a Grit Bin to the winter maintenance teams, white lining was only being carried out on carriageways. Additional signage requests must come from the County Councillor and surfacing is carried out by the asset management team, who work on a site-by-site basis. Safety work is carried out in response to the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.
Clerk to email Cllr Thompson.
The clerk made comment that she had received an email from E-on advising that lamppost no24 had been used for target practice and was full of holes from air gun pellets, although the light is still working the quote to replace it is £350+ VAT. Clerk was asked to put on the budget for next year, unless the light fails beforehand.
The Clerk made comment that the electricity rates were increasing for the supply at the Playing Field. Cllr Wallis made comment that the electricity box at the kitchen block was also damaged, Clerk to contact Western Power
Action Clerk.
The Clerk made comment that the parish council currently has 1 vacancy, Cllr Campbell proposed that a ‘letter drop’ be instigated for Swinethorpe to encourage a representative from that area of the village to join the parish council, seconded by Cllr Parkes – All agreed.
Action Cllr Campbell.
6. Finance
a. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
It was Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed, show of hands.
Monies received - Precept – £18,943
Land rent - £425.00
Land rent - £522.00
Cllr Parkes to approve the payments online
Action D Parkes.
Bank Accounts at 31.03.2022 Bank Accounts at 31.03.2021
Current Account – £3,604.40 Current Account - £1,951.42
Playing Field Ac - £152.69 Playing Field - £182.43
Savings Ac - £16,968.27 Savings - £22,063.48
b. To receive the Annual Bank Reconciliation at 31.03.2022
The bank reconciliation was presented to council showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Wallis
c. To review the budget as at 31.03.2022
The Clerk made comment that the council was at 120% of budget at the year end, with the overspend coming from the purchase of the Solar Speed Signs.
Cllr Campbell offered to download the data from the speed camera on Lincoln Road, to be circulated with residents.
Action Cllr Campbell.
7. To Resolve to approve the website maintenance costs for the financial year 2022/2023
After discussions to was Resolved approve the annual costs of £150 for 10 hours support.
All agreed – show of hands.
8. Playing Field Update to include:
Cllr Campbell made comment that he had reviewed the report, which recommended that the double gates be locked into the play area, as it was classified as an access gate and to remove the goals on the MUGA and then perhaps paint them on as an alternative.
It also highlighted a few trip hazards around the park that need to be filled in with either soil or limestone. The clerk was asked to get quotes to fill in the holes and surface areas of the BMX track.
Action Clerk.
9. Eagle Village Hall Update.
The Clerk made comment that the future ownership of the story board was still to be confirmed. Cllr Parkes offered to contact the Village Hall Committee.
Action Cllr Parkes.
The committee would like confirmation of timings for the hall, when would need to be opened/closed for the Queens Jubilee celebrations
Action Cllr Parkes/Cllr Brown.
10. The Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – update on plans & funding
Cllr Brown send a report confirming that the group had successfully applied for a lottery grant to cover the costs of the celebrations, with the following items in place or being discussed.
a. Beacon had been ordered for lighting on Thursday 2nd June 2022
b. Road closures had been applied for with the affected residents already being informed.
Road would be closed from Thorpe Lane junction to Church Close from 12 – 4 on Saturday 4th June 2022.
c. Various entertainment had been booked including an ice cream van and bouncy castle.
11. To Resolve to agree to sign the new 5-year FBT Agreement for the parish field at Eagle Moor.
After discussions it was Resolved to sign the agreement between Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council and Mr R & Mrs CW Battersby.
Action Clerk.
12. To consider the following planning application.
a. Installation of replacement window and new ground floor toilet.
Manor Farm, Eagle Hall Lane, Eagle Hall, Swinderby, Lincoln. Ref 22/0349/LBC.
After discussion it was Resolved to support the application.
13. Discuss making our community more accessible & inclusive
Deferred to the next meeting.
14. To consider new gov.uk email addresses for the parish council and the costs involved to set them up.
After discussions it was Resolved to approve the new email addresses for the parish council, the clerk was asked to get a definite quote for the new email address, with a budget of £300 approved. All agreed – show of hands.
Action Clerk.
15. Michaels Parish Tours.
Cllr Wallis made comment that she had, had a tour of the parish by Cllr Chennells and found it very informative, encouraging all the other councillors to do the same.
Thanks were passed onto Cllr Chennells.
16. Facebook Usage update.
Nothing noted.
17. To set the meeting date for the Annual Parish meeting.
After discussions to was Resolved to set the date of 12th May 2022 at 7pm.
Action Clerk.
18. Items for the next agenda.
Playing field costs & development plan.
19. Date & time of next meeting
Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 7.30pm. – Annual Parish Council Meeting.
Meeting Closed at 9.25pm.