May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpes’ Annual Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr Colin Campbell – Chairman, Cllr Jane Wallis – Vice Chair, Cllr David Parkes, & Cllr David Parkin, Cllr Liv Brown & Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton.
Rachel Popplewell – Parish Clerk
County Councillor Mike Thompson
1 member of the public
Agenda Items.
1. To Elect a Chairman for Eagle and Swinethorpe Parish Council for the ensuing year 2022/2023.
The Chair called for nominations for Chairman for the year 2022/2023. Cllr Wallis proposed Cllr Campbell be elected as Chairman, seconded by Cllr Fulton- Sutton – All agreed, show of hands
Cllr Campbell accept the Chairmanship
2. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form from the Chairman for 2022/2023.
Cllr Campbell signed the Declaration of Office form, received by the Clerk.
3. To Elect a Vice-Chairman of Eagle and Swinethorpe Parish Council and to receive the Declaration of Acceptance of office form for the ensuing year 2022/2023.
Councillor Jane Wallis was proposed by Councillor Fulton-Sutton, seconded by Councillor Parkin - All Agreed, show of hands
Councillor Wallis accepted the position, Declaration of Acceptance of Office form was signed & received.
4. Public Forum – To Resolve to suspend standing orders for a maximum of 20 minutes to allow members of the public, District and County Councillors to make comment or ask questions.
It was Resolved to suspend standing orders to allow the County Councillor & the member of public to make comment or ask questions. All agreed – show of hands.
Cllr Thompson made comment that Lincolnshire County Council held the full council AGM on 20th May 2022, Cllr Alison Austin was elected as Chairman and Cllr Robert Reid as Vice-Chairman.
Emergency Planning - I recently had a visit to the LCC Emergency Planning Centre and an invitation was made by officers to visit/re-visit to update Parish Councils on Emergency Planning arrangements.
In response to request (19th May) from Parish Council I have contacted Highways about the road safety concerns and signage requests after traffic accidents on the Thorpe Lane bends and am awaiting responses.
Comments were received from the member of public, thanking the council for the supply of bin bags and ‘this area has been litter picked’ signs.
Thanks, were also passed onto the volunteer who regularly walks the roads around the village litter picking.
Apologies were received from Cllr Peter Overton.
Standing orders were re-instated.
5. To receive Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Chennells & Cllr Grayston.
It was Resolved to accept the apologies and reason for absence – All agreed.
6. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None received.
7. To appoint members to the Personnel Committee.
After discussions it was Resolved to appoint Cllr Wallis, Cllr Parkes, Cllr Fulton-Sutton, and Cllr Brown to the Personnel Committee, proposed by Cllr Parkin, seconded by Cllr Campbell – All Agreed, show of hands.
8. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 27th April 2022 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All Agreed.
Signed by the Chairman.
9. To review and adopt Standing Orders for the Council.
It was Resolved to adopt the Standing Orders of the Council – no amendments were required. All agreed show of hands.
10. To review and adopt the Financial Regulations for the Council, and to Resolve to accept variable Direct Debits & Online Banking.
It was Resolved to adopt the Financial Regulations for the Council – no amendments were required.
It was Resolved to accept variable Direct Debits & online banking for the Council.
All Agreed – show of hands.
11. To review and adopt the Complaints Procedure and Handling method.
It was Resolved to adopt the Complaints Procedure and Handling method for the council – no amendments were required. All Agreed, show of hands.
12. To review the Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee.
It was Resolved to adopt the Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee, no amendments were made – All agreed, show of hands
13. To resolve to agree Parish Council meeting dates for the year 2022/2023.
The meeting dates for the year were considered – it was Resolved to accept the dates.
All Agreed, show of hands.
14. To receive the Internal Audit report.
The Clerk read out the internal audit report that highlighted the importance of training for all councillors.
No issues were highlighted regarding the finances for the Council, thanks were passed onto the Clerk for providing excellent administration & support to the Council.
15. To Consider, Approve and Sign the Annual Governance Statements 2021/2022.
After discussions it was Resolved to answer all the Annual Governance Statements with a positive outcome, All Agreed – Signed by the Chairman & Clerk.
16. To Approve & Sign the Accounting Statements 2021/2022.
It was Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements, All Agreed – Signed by the Chairman & Clerk
17. To sign the Certificate of Exemption, confirming that the council is exempt from a limited assurance review.
The Clerk made comment that the council was exempt from a Limited Assurance review, as the Council had less than £25,000 income and expenditure for the year 2021/2022.
It was Resolved to sign the Certificate of Exemption, All agreed – show of hands. Signed by the Chairman & the Clerk.
18. Clerks Update & Correspondence.
The Clerk made comment that she had emailed Cllr Thompson to request the installation of new road signs for the ‘s’ bend on Thorpe Lane. Western Power had been out to look at the broken electricity box, no repairs were required as it was a dud.
For the quote to be received for the email addresses, the actual wording was required for each councillor. The following was proposed – , ect… for each councillor.
Action clerk.
Cllr Campbell made comment that he had delivered letters to the residents of Swinethorpe highlighting the parish councillor vacancy.
19. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed. Proposed by Cllr Wallis seconded by Cllr Fulton-Sutton.
Cllr Parkes offered to approve the online payments.
Action DP.
Bank Accounts at 30.04.2022 Bank Accounts at 30.04.2021
Current Account – £9,404.70 Current Account - £4,439.43
Playing Field Ac - £140.32 Playing Field - £172.79
Savings Ac - £31,971.47 Savings - £37,063.48
Date |
Name |
Net |
Total |
25.05.2022 |
EAGLE Village Hall |
£18.00 |
£18.00 |
25.05.2022 |
YU energy (direct debit) |
£133.95 |
£6.70 |
£140.65 |
25.05.2022 |
YU energy (direct debit) |
£19.80 |
£0.99 |
£20.79 |
25.05.2022 |
Fast hosts |
£2.19 |
£0.44 |
£2.63 |
25.05.2022 |
Salaries |
£389.28 |
£389.28 |
25.05.2022 |
ALS Group |
£375.00 |
£75.00 |
£450.00 |
25.05.2022 |
RBLI Platinum Jubilee |
£516.13 |
£516.13 |
25.05.2022 |
The Bouncy Castle Co |
£125.00 |
£125.00 |
25.05.2022 |
Cartridge Land |
£30.83 |
£6.16 |
£36.99 |
25.05.2022 |
Continental Landscapes |
£245.32 |
£49.06 |
£294.38 |
25.05.2022 |
G M Brown |
£35.00 |
£35.00 |
25.05.2022 |
A1 Trophy |
£338.33 |
£67.67 |
£406.00 |
25.05.2022 |
£50.80 |
£50.80 |
25.05.2022 |
Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board |
£4.42 |
£4.42 |
25.05.2022 |
N Booth (Jubilee) |
£194.00 |
£194.00 |
25.05.2022 |
C Campbell (Jubilee) |
£59.89 |
£59.89 |
25.05.2022 |
C Campbell (Jubilee) |
£100.12 |
£100.12 |
25.05.2022 |
C Campbell (Jubilee) |
£208.23 |
£208.23 |
25.05.2022 |
C Campbell (jubilee) |
£55.96 |
£55.96 |
25.05.2022 |
£16.98 |
£3.40 |
£20.38 |
Total |
£2919.23 |
£209.42 |
£3128.65 |
20. Update on the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
Cllr Brown made comment that the plans were all coming together, the decorations had been ordered along with the entertainment.
The lighting of the beacon was scheduled for 02.06.2022 at 9.45pm.
The street party is for the 04.06.2022 12-4pm (road closures are in place from 11-5pm).
Cllr Brown asked for help on the Friday night with tables & chairs and again on the Saturday morning.
Thanks were passed onto Cllr Brown & the rest of the volunteers for their hard work organising the Jubilee Street Party.
21. To consider the following planning application
a. Front extension to form porch, single storey rear extension and loft conversion, demolition of existing garage and erection of new garage.
Westside, 5 Church Lane, Eagle. Ref – 22/0635/HOUS
b. Proposed works to Trees subject to Tree Preservation Order
30 Hilltop Close, Eagle. Re 22/0733/TPO
It was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment’ for both applications. All agreed, show of hands.
22. Playing Field
To consider the quotes for repairs to the BMX track and areas around the MUGA & picnic areas.
The Clerk made comment that she had received 2 two quotations (previously circulated) for the repairs. After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from R Mason Construction of £2975 + VAT. – All agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk.
Cllr Thompson made comment that there may be grants available to make sports equipment more accessible, which could cover the costs of the repairs. Cllr Parkin offered to investigate.
Action Cllr Parkin.
23. To consider the quotes to remove the bollards at Swinderby Station carpark and replace with gravel to match existing.
The Clerk made comment that she had received 2 two quotations (previously circulated) for the removal of the bollard at the Station Carpark. After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from R Mason Construction of £295 + VAT. – All agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk.
The Clerk was asked to investigate as to whether Network Rail would be able to re-mark out the parking bays at the carpark.
Action Clerk.
24. Village Hall update.
Cllr Parkes had nothing to report, just a request from the VH committee to put a sign on the letter box on the VH wall denoting the parish council letter box.
Action Clerk.
25. Items for the next Agenda.
Queens Platinum Jubilee update.
26. Date & time of next meeting –
Wednesday 29th June 2022 at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed 9pm