May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpes’ Annual Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 24th May 2023 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr David Parkes, Cllr Michael Chennells, Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton & Cllr Bernadette Grayston.
Karen Harrison – Locum Clerk
County Councillor Alan Briggs, District Councillors Chris Goldson & Richard Johnson.
3 members of the public
Agenda Items.
1. To Elect a Chairman for Eagle and Swinethorpe Parish Council for the ensuing year 2023/2024.
Retiring Chairman Campbell called for nominations for Chairman for the year 2023/2024. Cllr Grayston proposed Cllr Parkes be elected as Chairman, seconded by Cllr Fulton- Sutton – All agreed, show of hands.
Cllr Parkes accept the Chairmanship.
2. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form from the Chairman for 2023/2024.
Cllr Parkes signed the Declaration of Office form, received by the Clerk.
3. To Elect a Vice-Chairman of Eagle and Swinethorpe Parish Council and to receive the Declaration of Acceptance of office form for the ensuing year 2023/2024.
Councillor Bernadette Grayston was proposed by Councillor Fulton-Sutton, seconded by Councillor Parkes - All Agreed, show of hands.
Councillor Grayston accepted the position, Declaration of Acceptance of Office form was signed & received.
Cllr Parkes passed his thanks on to Cllr Campbell for his time whilst on the parish council over the last 5 years.
Cllr Campbell left the meeting. 7.45pm.
4. Public Forum – To Resolve to suspend standing orders for a maximum of 20 minutes to allow members of the public, District and County Councillors to make comment or ask questions.
It was Resolved to suspend standing orders to allow members of the public and the County & District Councillors to make comment or ask questions. All agreed – show of hands.
Newly elected District Councillors Goldston & Johnston introduced themselves adding that were looking forward to working with the parish council.
Cllr Briggs is also new to Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council, Cllr Briggs is a Councillor at Lincoln City Council and has been for the last 6 years.
Standing orders were re-instated.
5. To receive Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Rachel Popplewell – Clerk.
6. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None received.
The Clerk reminded all members to ensure that all ROI & Election expenses forms are returned to North Kesteven District Council.
7. To resolve to fill by Co-option Parish Councillor Vacancies.
Vacancy 1 – Mrs P Parkes received a majority vote in favour of her being co-opted, proposed by Cllr Grayston seconded Cllr Parkes, all agreed show of hands.
Cllr Parkes signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form.
Vacancy 2 Mrs J Wallis received a majority vote in favour of her being co-opted, proposed by Cllr Grayston seconded Cllr Parkes, agreed show of hands.
Cllr Wallis signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form.
Vacancy 3 – Mr N Faulkner received a majority vote in favour of him being co-opted, proposed by Cllr Grayston seconded Cllr Parkes, all agreed show of hands.
Cllr Faulkner signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form.
The Chair welcomed all the New Councillor’s to the Council.
8. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 26th April 2023 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All Agreed.
Signed by the Chairman.
9. To review and adopt Standing Orders for the Council.
It was Resolved to adopt the Standing Orders of the Council – no amendments were required. All agreed show of hands.
10. To review and adopt the Financial Regulations for the Council, and to Resolve to accept variable Direct Debits & Online Banking.
It was Resolved to adopt the Financial Regulations for the Council – no amendments were required.
It was Resolved to accept variable Direct Debits & online banking for the Council.
All Agreed – show of hands.
11. To review the bank signing mandate.
After discussions it was Resolved to add Cllr Grayston onto the signing mandate. All agreed – show of hands.
12. To review and adopt the Complaints Procedure and Handling method.
It was Resolved to adopt the Complaints Procedure and Handling method for the council – no amendments were required. All Agreed, show of hands.
13. To appoint members to the Personnel Committee.
After discussions it was Resolved to appoint Cllr Wallis, Cllr P Parkes, Cllr Fulton-Sutton, and Cllr Faulkner to the Personnel Committee, proposed by Cllr D Parkes, seconded by Cllr Chennells – All Agreed, show of hands.
14. To review the Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee.
It was Resolved to adopt the Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee, no amendments were made – All agreed, show of hands
15. To resolve to agree Parish Council meeting dates for the year 2023/2024.
The meeting dates for the year were considered – it was Resolved to accept the dates and new time of 7pm for 2023/2024.
All Agreed, show of hands.
16. To receive the Internal Audit report.
The Clerk read out the internal audit report that highlighted the importance of training for all councillors.
No issues were highlighted regarding the finances for the Council, thanks were passed onto the Clerk for providing excellent administration & support to the Council.
17. Clerks Update & Correspondence.
The Clerk made comment that the new Parish Council Logo was still to be published, Cllr Wallis to contact a graphic designer to convert into a usable version for the next meeting.
Action Cllr Wallis.
The clerk made comment that she had responded to Tarmac to confirm that the swings at the park are still open and in use for the public as per the conditions of their grant.
The Clerk made comment that the Queens Platinum Jubilee Tree plaque has been delivered, just need to be sited near the tree. Cllr Chennells offered to get a quote to replace the tree guard that was damaged by the open space’s contractor before the plaque is installed.
Action Chennells.
18. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
The councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All Agreed. Proposed by Cllr Wallis seconded by Cllr Fulton-Sutton.
Cllr Parkes offered to approve the online payments.
Action DP.
Date |
Name |
Net |
Total |
24.05.2023 |
EAGLE Village Hall |
£19.13 |
£19.13 |
24.05.2023 |
YU energy (direct debit) |
£389.65 |
£19.48 |
£409.13 |
24.05.2023 |
YU energy (direct debit) |
£39.97 |
£2.00 |
£41.97 |
24.05.2023 |
RBLI (Already paid) |
£129.16 |
£25.83 |
£154.99 |
24.05.2023 |
Continental Landscapes |
£262.82 |
£52.56 |
£315.38 |
24.05.2023 |
Trent Valley Drainage |
£5.96 |
£5.96 |
24.05.2023 |
Salaries |
£425.80 |
£425.80 |
24.05.2023 |
£73.40 |
£73.40 |
24.05.2023 |
Refuse collection – Pay Cllr Grayston |
£37.00 |
£37.00 |
24.05.2023 |
Fasthosts |
£2.19 |
£0.44 |
£2.63 |
Total |
£1382.08 |
£100.31 |
£1485.39 |
** Payment to Continental Landscapes wasn’t approved – awaiting outcome of the damaged tree guard.
Bank Accounts at 30.04.2023 |
Bank Accounts at 30.04.2022 |
Current account - £6,595.05 |
Current account - £9,404.70 |
Playing field account - £139.10 |
Playing field account - £140.32 |
Savings account - £28,992.16 |
Savings account - £31,971.47 |
Cllr Wallis & Cllr Chennells to sort their Co-op Bank login details.
Action Cllr Wallis & Cllr Chennells
19. To consider the following planning applications
a. Proposed ground floor rear extension. 9 The Moors, Eagle Lane.
Ref – 23/0419/HOUS
It was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment’ for the application. All agreed, show of hands.
b. Application of proposed works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Order. 21 Hilltop Close, Eagle.
Ref – 23/0538/TPO
After discussions it was Resolved to submit the following comments for the application, All agreed show of hands.
“The parish council will take advice from the tree officer, regarding the proposed tree works and how it will impact any future tree growth”.
20. Playing Field Update & review of the grass cutting.
Cllr Wallis made comment that the kitchen block has been cleared, with the working fridge to be advertised on Facebook marketplace. The Clerk was asked to remove contents from the asset register.
Action Clerk.
21. Eagle Hall Hamlet Overview.
Cllr Chennells made comment that Eagle Hall is a residential community within the Parish of Eagle & Swinethorpe, with a population of 60, 8% of the parish.
Preston’s Farm: 6 barn conversions completed in 2022, constructed from almost all recycled materials, onsite and Lincoln Cathedral. Eagle Hall has a longstanding association with Lincoln Cathedral with the Knights Templars preceptory and the Cathedral being establish at the same time. All stone and timber used on the project was recycled from the Cathedral and the project blessed by the Dean in January 2022.
There is an ongoing refurbishment and improvement of the residential properties, along with hedge restoration, the hedge being moved back 6 meters on the junction to improve visibility towards North Scarle. Plans to restore the parklands for cattle grazing are ongoing.
Eagle Hall community are looking for grants to purchase village signs.
22. Village Hall update.
The VH committee are going to start Farmers Markets June/July 2023. Clearing of the path to the side and rear of the hall has been carried out.
23. Items for the next Agenda.
Playing Field
Introductions from the new Parish Councillors.
Parish Tours.
Anti-vandal paint for playing field roof.
24. Date & time of next meeting
Wednesday 28th June 2022 at 7.00pm.
Meeting closed 9pm