June 2023 Minutes

Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 28th June 2023 7.00pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present Cllr David Parkes - Chair, Cllr Bernadette Grayston – Vice Chair, Cllr Jane Fulton-Sutton, Cllr Michael Chennells, Cllr Pat Parkes, Cllr Neil Faulkner & Cllr Jane Wallis.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk.
Cllr Chris Goldson – District Councillor.
Cllr Alan Briggs – County Councillor.
Cllr Briggs made comment that he had visited a resident, who is having issues with Anti-social behaviour near her property.
He is also helping with the signage for Eagle Hall hamlet, speaking to LCC.
Cllr Goldson made comment that he too, had been in contact with the resident experiencing ASB.
The District Council is listed as a consultee for the Fosse Green Energy application, with the final decision being with the Secretary of State.
Agenda items.
1. Welcome & Apologies.
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None received.
3. To welcome the new Councillors to the Parish Council, and to receive a short bio from them.
Cllr Parkes & Cllr Faulkner, read out a short bio about themselves, to be put on the Facebook page along with their photo.
4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 24th May 2023 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record – All agreed.
Signed by the Chair.
5. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to agree any subsequent actions.
The Clerk made comment that she had received an email from Rev Andrew Vaughan, regarding the NHS provision when services cross boundaries, which was at times confusing and time consuming. After discussions the Clerk was asked to respond to the email, supporting any influence the Reverend may have to reduce the red tape.
The parish council had received an email from Fosse Green Energy Ltd regarding the installation of a solar farm, near to the village. After consideration the Parish Council agreed to attend the public consultation that is due to take place later in the year.
The signs for the park, bin bags and ‘this area has been litter picked’ signs have been ordered and received.
Cllr David Parkes is having issues accessing emails, the Clerk was asked to contact the Councils IT expert to help.
The Clerk reiterated that training was available for all Councillors, Cllr Grayston & Cllr Pat Parkes asked to be booked on the Planning Training & Cllr Parkes for employment training.
Action Clerk
The Clerk had received an email regarding the overgrown hedge at Swinderby Station, which was reducing visibility in/out of the carpark, the Clerk was asked to contact the open spaces contractor to get the hedge added to the schedule of works.
Action Clerk.
A request for a donation, has been received from the Friends of Eagle School (FOES), of £25 towards the invoice for table hire, at the school fete. This in turn would release the allocated funds to purchase backpacks for the children.
After discussions it was Resolved to approve the request – All agreed, show of hands.
Cllr Grayston, Declared an Interest as she is a member of FOES committee, did not participate in the discussion or vote.
Comments were made regarding the ‘public footpath’ sign that had been moved at Eagle Barnsdale, concerns were raised that the public may not be able to identify where the footpath goes as it is currently diverted around the quarry.
Clerk to contact LCC & NKDC to report.
The Co-op Bank signing mandate was signed to add Cllr Grayston on, Cllr Chennells was still having issues when logging on.
Action Clerk & Cllr Chennells to contact the Co-op Bank.
Lincolnshire County Council are giving communities the opportunity to take part in the litter picking equipment scheme, the aim to help tackle littering issues in the area. They are offering a litter picking kit to parish councils, to encourage a local litter pick. The clerk was asked to contact LCC to request a kit.
6. Finance
a. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, note bank balances & any monies received (list previously circulated).
The Councillors considered the list previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve the following orders for payment – All agreed. Proposed Cllr Wallis – seconded Cllr Parkes.
Cllr Wallis to approve the payments online.
Action JW.
Date |
Name |
Net |
Total |
28.06.2023 |
EAGLE Village Hall |
£19.13 |
£19.13 |
28.06.2023 |
YU energy (direct debit) |
£353.65 |
£17.68 |
£371.33 |
28.06.2023 |
YU energy (direct debit) |
£40.12 |
£2.01 |
£42.13 |
28.06.2023 |
Elan City |
£47.04 |
£9.41 |
£56.45 |
28.06.2023 |
Continental Landscapes |
£460.94 |
£92.19 |
£553.13 |
28.06.2023 |
PE Dickinson |
£65.00 |
£65.00 |
28.06.2023 |
Salaries |
477.20 |
477.20 |
28.06.2023 |
E-on |
227.50 |
£45.50 |
£273.00 |
28.06.2023 |
M Flower |
£425.00 |
£85.00 |
£510.00 |
28.06.2023 |
Fasthosts |
£2.19 |
£0.44 |
£2.63 |
28.06.2023 |
72.96 |
£72.96 |
28.06.2023 |
Amazon – signs |
£7.24 |
£1.44 |
£8.68 |
28.06.2023 |
Continental Landscapes (last Month) |
£262.82 |
£52.56 |
£315.38 |
28.06.2023 |
Amazon – bin bags |
£22.65 |
£4.53 |
£27.18 |
Total |
£2483.44 |
£310.76 |
£2794.20 |
Bank Accounts at 31.05.2023 |
Bank Accounts at 31.05.2022 |
Current account - £5,334.60 |
Current account - £6,402.56 |
Playing field account - £139.10 |
Playing field account - £127.85 |
Savings account - £28,992.16 |
Savings account - £31,971.47 |
7. Playing Field update.
a. Future plans for the kitchen block now that it is empty.
After discussions it was Resolved to approach the Scouts, as they had expressed an interest for a new hall/venue to hold their weekly meetings. Cllr Grayston offered to contact and facilitate a meeting.
Action BG
b. To discuss the grass cutting and the repairs to the tree guard.
Cllr Chennells made comment that he spoken to the grass cutting contractor, about replacing the tree guard. A new guard would be installed, along with the plaque for the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
8. To review & adopt the following policies.
a. Subject Access Request
b. Data Protection Policy
c. Data Breach Policy
d. Records Retention Policy
e. Data Map
f. To receive the security compliance checklists from Councillors
g. Code of Conduct.
After discussions it was Resolved to review & adopt the policies, the only amendment to remove ICO and replace with Information Commissioners Office & DPO with Data Protection Officer. All agreed – show of hands.
Action Clerk.
Compliance checklists were received from all Councillors.
9. To consider & approve the new Parish Council Logo design and approve any associated costs.
Deferred to the next meeting.
10. Items for the next agenda.
11. Date & time of next meeting
Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 26th July 2023 at 7.00pm.
Meeting closed 8.25pm